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The Assyrians and Persians Turn paragraph in to the tray. Get ready to take notes. Have Persian packet on desk.

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Presentation on theme: "The Assyrians and Persians Turn paragraph in to the tray. Get ready to take notes. Have Persian packet on desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Assyrians and Persians Turn paragraph in to the tray. Get ready to take notes. Have Persian packet on desk.

2 Assyrian Empire Empire: A large area of land ruled by one person 900-700 BCE: Assyrian Empire dominated cities and trade routes through Mesopotamia or Fertile Crescent. Fierce Warriors hated and feared by enemies.

3 Why did People Fear the Assyrians? Iron weapons-technology learned from the Hittites-hard and stronger than bronze Smelting Process ▫Artisan heat iron until it is red hot – 2) Hammer iron  Quickly cool iron  Shape it into weapons

4 Why did People Fear Assyrians? Army divided into groups – Chariots: A two-wheeled horse drawn carriage – Cavalry: Soldiers on horseback – Archers: a soldier who fights with bows and arrows.

5 How did the Assyrian Army Attack? They marched forward shoulder to shoulder; then archers would shower the enemy with iron-tipped arrows. Next, cavalry and charioteers attacked with iron helmets, breast plates, spears and swords which made them retreat. Battered down gates with tree trunks or tunneled under walls.

6 What did the Assyrians do when they won? Burned them alive Beheadings Slaves Move far away Stole everything Burned city to the ground

7 Advancements King set up library & saved ancient writings from Sumer and Akkad. In 1852 AD, archeologists found 22,000 clay tablets. – Contained dictionaries – Important events – Songs and stories of the past – Historians’ dream find (Epic of Gilgamesh)

8 Why did the Assyrian Empire Fall? Too large to govern well, despite attempt at provinces. Conquered people rebelled (disobeyed or fought against). Chaldeans from Babylon & Medes from Persia created alliance to defeat the Assyrians

9 Persians The Persians based their empire on tolerance and diplomacy. They relied on a strong military to back up their policies. Ancient Persia is where Iran is today.

10 Cyrus the Great 550 BC – Conquered several neighboring kingdoms Military genius Controlled an empire spanning 2000 miles Kindness toward conquered people Honored local customs and religions 538 BC - Allowed the Jews to return to their homeland, Jerusalem Considered by the Jews to be one of God’s anointed ones

11 Tolerance Cyrus use the idea of tolerance to keep the peace and to seem like a liberator. He allowed people to keep their local customs and religions. He showed kindness toward conquered peoples

12 Darius Member of the king’s body guard Overthrew the king in 522 BC (Cyrus’ son) Took power and created a well-organized efficient government Brought peace and stability Expanded the empire by 500 miles But could not conquer Greece

13 How was such a vast empire in control? (compare to Assyrians) Broke Empire down into provinces Royal Governors ▫They were loyal to the Emperor and did his bidding.

14 The Royal Road 1,677 miles long with 111 relay stations Other smaller roads branched off the royal road Relay stations had rest areas and fresh horses. The entire royal road could be traveled in a week by a horsemen Caravans took about a month

15 Homework Critically read the Persians Packet Type your Meso/Egypt packet by Monday Print Romans packet by Monday Wise words: The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

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