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The Family is the Foundation of Colonial Society Women: Cooked, Made Butter and Cheese, Made Clothes, Tended Livestock, ect. Men: Worked the Fields,

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3 The Family is the Foundation of Colonial Society Women: Cooked, Made Butter and Cheese, Made Clothes, Tended Livestock, ect. Men: Worked the Fields, Built Houses and Barns, Represented Family in Community

4 Boys: Indentured Servants or Apprentices Young Women: Maids, Cooks, Nurses, until married. 1.Describe the Triangular Trade and how it affected American Society. 2. Analyze why slavery grows in America. 3.Explain the differences between the regions of the English Colonies as they develop.

5 Apprentice – young person who learns a skill from a more experienced person Artisan – skilled worker

6 Colonists Valued Education and children were usually taught to read and write at home. Pennsylvania and Massachusetts set up public school systems – by law.

7 Schools Boys went to grammar schools while girls went to dame school. There was no chalkboards, maps, or paper. School teachers were strict and were allowed to hit their students or make them wear a dunce hat.


9 Colonial Life - Education Massachusetts and Connecticut had laws saying that if there were 50 families, a teacher needed to be hired and a school setup. These schools were called grammar or writing schools.grammar or writing schools. Picture Credit:

10 Compare schools now and then

11 Population increase. –Settlers: 250,000 (1700) to 2,500,000 (1775) –Slaves: 28,000 to 500,000 Colonial Economics and the Slave Trade.

12 13 Colonies New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies

13 The New England Colonies Massachusetts (Maine) New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut Massachusetts Picture Credit: 98/america/colonization/colonies-ne/ne-intro.html

14 The New England Colonies As population swells we see a need of more government. Agricultural / Pre-Industrial society. –Women married early had large families. Growth of Towns and Villages. Subsistence Farming

15 Reasons for coming to the USA. Some people didn’t like the Church of England. They wanted the Church to be more pure. These people were called Puritans. They decided to start a colony in the North East part of the USA.

16 Roger Williams Roger Williams believed you should tolerate other people’s beliefs in God. He left Massachusetts and started a colony, Providence. Picture Credit: history/0003.html

17 Anne Hutchinson Anne Hutchinson was a woman who believed you could go directly to God so you could pray to God without going through a priest. She moved to Providence with Roger Williams and started the Rhode Island Colony. Picture Credit: features_hutchison.html

18 William Penn -William Penn owned Pennsylvania and made it a place for religious freedom. Picture Credit:

19 Economics in New England Colonies Commerce –Waterpower, Lumber, Mills (Grain) –Cottage industry (The hidden economy of women.) – Shipbuilding, Fishing, intra-colonial trade Triangular Trade

20 Climate Good farming land (grains) Livestock, rivers and hills. Harbors. Picture Credit: Lan_Farm_Trust.htm

21 Middle Colonies The Middle colonies included: New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ), Delaware (DE), and Pennsylvania (PA). Picture Credit: NY NJ DE PA

22 Interesting Facts about Middle Colonies -Called Breadbasket of Colonial America. The farmers raised a surplus so they could sell. -Germans invented Pennsylvania rifle & Conestoga wagon. -Philadelphia means brotherly love. (label breadbasket on map) Picture Credit: nmah/carriage.htm

23 The Southern Economy Because of the good soil and long growing season the South did not develop commerce or industry. The depended on English Merchants to manage their trade. Cultivated Large Farms – Plantations which needed a large unskilled labor force.

24 Tobacco and Rice and The Tidewater The cash crop of Maryland and Virginia was tobacco. However, overproduction would cause profits to fall. (Q. What economic law is this?) So, farmers began the switch to corn and wheat. The cash crop of South Carolina and Georgia was Rice. Rice cultivation is a very labor intensive and nasty. Imagine working in the rice fields all day standing in mud up to your knees. (Q. Do you think that you could get an indentured servant to do this?)



27 The Middle Passage Shipping Africans to the West Indies.


29 This plan above of a slave ship developed by Clarkson and his co-workers shocked the public when it appeared in 1789. It shows how 482 slaves could be packed on board the Brookes of Liverpool for the 6 to 8 week voyage to the West Indies. The Brookes actually carried 609 slaves on one voyage.

30 There is one final poignant link. Under the slave trade system people suffered to provide luxuries like sugar, chocolate, coffee and tea for our table at an affordable price. This was morally wrong but most people were not aware of their wrongdoing until the abolitionist campaign exposed it for what it was. Today the people who put those very same items on our table are suffering because they do not get a fair price for their produce. Again this is so we can buy these relative luxuries at an affordable price, again it is morally wrong and again people are not aware of it. Who today is going to point it out for them, and how?


32 Slavery Question: What Colony had made slavery illegal? Jamestown and Georgia.


34 The Three Kings of the Southern Economy (1700 – 1860)

35 Southern Colonies The Southern Colonies included: Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA), North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (SC), and Georgia (GA). MD VA NC SC GA

36 Southern Colonies Climate Rich land, plenty of rain & a long growing season. Coastal plains, swamps, forests, harbors. Picture Credit: cogent/gallery.htm

37 Backcountry Appalachian Mountain Foothills Small Farms Few Slaves Outnumbered Large Plantation Owners Question: What is the basis of power in the colonies and who would control the power and political influence?

38 Interesting Facts about Southern Colonies -Planters’ duties to see that crops were planted, records kept, took care of everyone. -Slavery was necessary for Southern plantation. The cash crop for Virginia was Tobacco. Picture Credit: website.htm

39 Conclusion Majority of colonist, even in the South were not slave holders. However, much of the economy was either based on slave labor or indirectly through the slave trade. African Slaves brought with them their languages and cultures. They also brought with them the knowledge of cultivating Rice.

40 Objectives: 1.Describe the Triangular Trade and how it affected American Society. 2. Analyze why slavery grows in America. 3.Explain the differences between the regions of the English Colonies as they develop.

41 The Glorious Revolution King James forced off the thrown in 1688 and Placed his daughter Mary and her husband, William of Orange on the thrown. The Parliament is getting more powerful. William and Mary sign the English Bill of Rights.

42 The English Bill of Rights

43 Mercantilism The English viewed its American Colonies as an economic recourse. The Colonies provided raw materials for English manufacturers, and a market for finished products. As a nations trade grows, its gold reserve increase, and the nation becomes more powerful.As a nations trade grows, its gold reserve increase, and the nation becomes more powerful.

44 The Navigation Acts 1751 - 1763 Series of acts (laws) that directed the flow of goods between England and the Colonies. Smuggling Only British ships could transport imported and exported goods from the colonies. The only people who were allowed to trade with the colonies had to be British citizens. Commodities such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton wool which were produced in the colonies could be exported only to British ports.

45 Colonial Government Government in the colonies varies by the type of charter for that colony. Question: What are the three types of colonial charters? –Charter Colonies –Proprietary Colonies –Royal Colonies

46 American Coloniess Type Charter Proprietary Royal Colony Connecticut, Rhode Island Government Governor and Legislature Elected by Colonists Note Great Britain had the right to approve governor, but governor could not veto legislature. Connecticut, Rhode Island Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania Proprietor selected the governor and upper house. Colonists Elected the Lower House Proprietor free to rule. GA, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, SC, VA Directly Ruled by Britain. King appointed Gov. and Upper House. Colonists elected the Lower House.

47 Get Out The Vote


49 An American Culture

50 The Great Awakening What are they awaking to? A religious movement concentrated in New England and the Middle Colonies. They called for a re-birth, “A return to the strong faith of earlier days.

51 The Great Awakening George Whitefield



54 Freedom of the Press  The Internet of its Time  English Right of Free Speech  John Zenger  Q: What are some examples of Freedom of the Press where the majority of Americans would not agree with the ideas expressed?

55 Almanac – reference book with facts and figures

56 An American Culture

57 Benjamin Franklin Read page 221 n_franklin/index.html n_franklin/index.html Will the real Ben Franklin Please Stand Up?

58 Printing Press

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