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Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisole in elderly untreated patients with multiple myeloma: results of a multicenter phase 1/2 study Marı´a-Victoria.

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Presentation on theme: "Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisole in elderly untreated patients with multiple myeloma: results of a multicenter phase 1/2 study Marı´a-Victoria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisole in elderly untreated patients with multiple myeloma: results of a multicenter phase 1/2 study Marı´a-Victoria Mateos, Jose´-M. Herna´ndez, Miguel-T. Herna´ndez,Norma-C. Gutie´ rrez, Luis Palomera, Marta Fuertes, Joaquı´n Dı´az-Mediavilla, Juan-J. Lahuerta, Javier de la Rubia Marı´a- Jose´ Terol BLOOD October 2006 - Vol. 108

2 Introduction   Multiple myeloma : a malignant proliferation of plasma cells derived from a single clone.  Standard care of MM has been MP.  HDT with ASCT is now considered standard therapy for younger patients.  BORTEZOMIB : the first proteasome inhibitor to enter the clinic. the first proteasome inhibitor to enter the clinic. a reversible inhibitor of the 26S proteasome. a reversible inhibitor of the 26S proteasome. an enzyme involved in the catabolic pathway fo numerous intracellular regulatory proteins. an enzyme involved in the catabolic pathway fo numerous intracellular regulatory proteins.

3 Patients and methods  Study design :  Study design : open-label, phase 1/2, dose-escalation study was carried out at 19centers in Spain  PATIENTS :  PATIENTS : newly diagnosed symptomatic MM with measurable disease, age of at least 65 years, Karnofsky performance status (KPS) of at least 60%, and a life expectancy of more than 3 months  VMP schedule

4 Results


6 Fig 2. Response to VMP was rapid


8 Fig 3. Time to events data in patients receiving VMP


10 Figure 4. Influence of cytogenetic abnormalities on PFS and EFS..


12   VMP is a more effective first-line regimen than MP in patients not eligible for transplantation, Discussion

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