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Welcome everyone to Large Group, and keep them on their feet for WORSHIP time!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome everyone to Large Group, and keep them on their feet for WORSHIP time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome everyone to Large Group, and keep them on their feet for WORSHIP time!

2 Tech: When all of the kids have taken a seat in the Large Group area, cue “Battle Squids” intro video. When the video is finished, cue title graphic. Are you ready for another week of “Battle Squids?” Once again, we’ll be battling our way through the book of Proverbs. Today, we’re going to battle our way through one last proverb in the Bible.

3 And since it’s our last week, I would hope that somebody remembers what a Biblical proverb is! Who wants to tell me? Take answer. Nice job! Take a look at our definition of a proverb: Tech: Cue Definition Slide Lets read it together in our squid voices! Proverb: a small saying filled with big wisdom from God.

4 The Book of Proverbs is packed with instructions that help us live a life that’s pleasing to God. Before we look at this week’s proverb, though, I want to ask you a question. What are some things that kids are too small or young to do? I’ll give a point to each kid who can give me an answer! (Take a few answers from kids. Toss out points for each answer.) Great job!

5 Doesn’t it stink to be told that you’re too young or small for something? Well, today we’re going to learn a proverb about something you’re never too young or small for. Best of all, we get to battle each other to find out what it is! Here’s how the battle works…

6 The words we use are very powerful. They have the ability to either bring peace or start a war. In fact, that’s exactly what happened in our story for today. If you’re ready to hear it, wave your tentacles in the air and cheer. Toss out some points as kids cheer. Awesome! Here’s how it’s going to work:

7 Move to boys’ side of room. On one team we have our Squidudes! Move to girls’ side of room. On the other team we have our Squidettes! Hold up point ball for kids to see. Throughout our time, each team will try to earn points in one of three ways: Team Energy, Team Participation, and Team Competitions.

8 Tech: Cue Team Points graphic At the end of the time, we’ll count up the points to see which team wins. Squidudes—if you’re ready for battle, wave your tentacles in the air and cheer. Toss the Squidudes some points. Squidettes— if you’re ready for battle, wave your tentacles in the air and cheer. Toss the Squidudes some points.

9 Tech: Cue “Battle Squids” title graphic Today’s proverb is all about wisdom. Does anyone remember what wisdom is? Take answer. Award a point for the correct answer. Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions. Let’s find out what today’s proverb is by looking it up in the Bible.

10 Today’s proverb comes in four parts. Let’s read the first part together. Read aloud from the screen along with the kids. Tech: Cue Verse Slide “Four things on earth are small. But they are very wise. The first are ants, which aren’t very strong. But they store up their food in the summer.” Proverbs 30:24-25

11 Ants are tiny, but they’re very wise. How does the Bible say they are wise? Toss out points for correct answers. That’s right—they store up food in the summer. Do you know what it looks like when ants store up food? Let me show you. Toss a bunch of points into the air so they land on both teams. A lot like that!

12 Ants aren’t very big or strong, but they’re wise enough to gather and store food during the summer so they have something to eat during the winter. If they didn’t they would die. Let’s see what the next wise creature is. (Read aloud with kids.) Tech: Cue Verse slide

13 “The second are hyraxes, which aren’t very powerful. But they make their home among the rocks.” Proverbs 30:26 On the count of 3, I want you to act like a hyrax. (Count to 3. Toss points to kids who try.) Nice try! You all looked a little confused—probably because you don’t know what a hyrax is. Here’s a picture of one. Tech: Cue Picture of a hyrax

14 Hyraxes live in Africa and the Middle East. They’re not too big—about the size of a rabbit—and they taste pretty yummy to bigger animals. So why would making their home in the rocks be wise? Take responses and throw out points. That’s right! It keeps them safe from predators. Rocks have little gaps and holes between them that a hyrax can squeeze into, but their enemies can’t.

15 Pretty wise—isn’t it! Let’s see what the third wise creature is…Read aloud with kids. (Tech: Cue Verse Slide) “The third are locusts, which don’t have a king. But they all march forward in ranks.” Proverbs 30:27 I’ll give some points to the first team that can get everyone on their team to link arms and march in place. Give points to the first team to do it. Tell kids to take a seat.Nice job!

16 A locust is a lot like a grasshopper. And even though they’re small and don’t have a leader, they all march together. One locust by himself is no big deal, but the sight of an army of locusts can send much bigger animals running for their life. Let’s see what the fourth wise creature is! Read aloud with kids. (Tech: Cue Verse Slide)

17 “And the fourth are lizards, which your hand can catch. But you will find them in kings’ palaces.” Proverbs 30:28 Choose one kid from each team to do their best lizard impersonation. Give points for the best impersonation.

18 I imagine that a king’s palace would be pretty hard to get into—giant stone walls, huge iron gates, and some mean looking guards. Lizards are small enough to catch with your hand, but they’re wise enough to sneak into the most guarded palaces in the world.

19 Tech: Cue “Big Bible Story Questions” Slide Have the kids turn briefly to their small groups and discuss the following questions: What do you think this proverb was trying to teach us? Which of the four creatures do you think was the wisest? Why? After a few minutes, draw their attention back to the teaching area.

20 Tech: Cue “Battle for the Fish” Slide Were you all listening closely to the story? (Kids respond.) I hope so, because it time for the “Feeding Frenzy!” Here’s how it works. I’m going to ask you some questions. If you think you know the answer, turn to your leader and tell him what it is. Your leader will hold up the sign with the most popular answer.

21 Read the questions one at a time. Once all of the multiple choice options have been read, give the groups about 8- 10 seconds to choose their answer and hold up the right sign before the answer is revealed. Once the answer is revealed, toss out one point to all of the groups with the right answer.

22 Tech: Cue Question Slides one at a time How many creatures were in our proverb today? 2 3 4 5

23 What animal likes to make its home in the rocks? Hyrax Hypermax Thyrax T-rex

24 Why is the locust wise? They can sneak into guarded palaces They march together without a king They march together with a king They’re together in March

25 Why are the ants wise? They bite anyone who gets near them They know how to find and store food They walk in a line They always know where picnics are

26 What chapter in Proverbs did these verses come from? 20 1 60 30

27 At the end of the “Feeding Frenzy”, have the kids place all of their points inside their team’s box and count up their points then announce a winner! Tech: Cue “Battle Squids” slide

28 All of the creatures in our proverb for today had 2 things in common—what were they? (Take answers.) All of the creatures were very small, but God gave each one of them big wisdom. Why do you think that’s important for kids like you to know? (Take answers.) Great answers! You don’t have to be bigger or older to have wisdom. God gives wisdom even to the smallest of creatures.

29 Earlier today, I asked you to tell me about some things that kids were too young or small to have and you came up with all kinds of answers. But here’s the great news—kids are never too small or too young to have wisdom. God gives wisdom to even the littlest creatures, so you’re not too small to make wise choices!

30 In fact, the Bible says that God has given you the ability to make the wisest choice ever. Let’s take a look at what it is. Tech: Cue Verse Slide “You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:15

31 Holy Scriptures is another name for God’s Word—the Bible. Even though you’re kids, you have the ability to learn from God’s Word. And God’s Word gives you the ability to make the wisest choice ever, which is to trust in Jesus. Reading God’s Word and trusting in Jesus isn’t something just for grown- ups—it’s for kids too! Close in prayer.

32 Introduce GO! DEEP Stations. The instructions are on the signs at each table. Remind kids that this is a quiet response time. Tech: Cue Response Music If there’s time after GO! DEEP, dismiss older/younger groups to specific sides of room for GO! FURTHER activities. OR… Allow them to play with toys/games

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