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GrocerSmart Standard Protocol Update Regional Technical Forum March 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "GrocerSmart Standard Protocol Update Regional Technical Forum March 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 GrocerSmart Standard Protocol Update Regional Technical Forum March 18, 2014

2 GrocerSmart Calibration Status Provisional Protocol approved in 2011 – Software needs calibration, similar to SEEM – Requires metering on 36 measures Protocol due to sunset in August, 2014 To date, no knowledge of research (outside of PECI) being conducted to calibrate model

3 GrocerSmart Calibration Status PECI volunteering to meter 5 sites (10 measures) and analyze results Will present initial findings and updated cost in August, 2014 – May re-convene R&E subcommittee before then to talk about sampling and costs PECI estimates over a year to get to 36 measures given seasonal constraints RTF will need to decide what to do in August – Deactivate Protocol – Extend Sunset Date to get more data – Something else

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