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Join the conversation #content14 Writing blogs that engage Workshop leader: Dan Slee.

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Presentation on theme: "Join the conversation #content14 Writing blogs that engage Workshop leader: Dan Slee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Join the conversation #content14 Writing blogs that engage Workshop leader: Dan Slee

2 Dan Slee Blogging.

3 How a picture of a piece of carrot cake changed my life…

4 What can blogging give you…?

5 What are the barriers? Topics Time Technology Audience

6 What are the barriers? Topics Time Technology Audience Task: What five things are you interested in? 1. Cake 2. Stoke City 3. How the internet is changing communications 4. cinema 5. learning

7 What are the barriers? Topics Time Technology Audience Task: What five things have you done at work or most admire? Or think ‘hmmmm’ about… eg. a particularly good campaign using a new technique trying to work out how to use something

8 What are the barriers? Topics Time Technology Audience

9 What are the barriers? Topics Time Technolog y Audience

10 What are the barriers? Topics Time Technolog y Audience

11 What are the barriers? Topics Time Technology Audience Task: Think about where you could post it to reach an audience


13 Topic + Time + Technology + Audience = a blog

14 Any questions?

15 Thank you Dan Slee k @danslee

16 Creative commons credits Thinking Audience Empty page Elvis clock Keyboard Cake

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