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Neighbourhood Planning Workshop, Taunton Independent Examiner Experience Angus Kennedy.

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Presentation on theme: "Neighbourhood Planning Workshop, Taunton Independent Examiner Experience Angus Kennedy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neighbourhood Planning Workshop, Taunton Independent Examiner Experience Angus Kennedy

2 NPIERS Background to NPIERS initiative Set up 2013:the services offered: –Independent examinations –Health checks –Developing a support service for LPAs and QBs Who are the examiners?

3 Progress to date 48 examiners on the Panel. Various professional backgrounds 50 Plans submitted for examination 45 Plans have sourced their examiner through NPIERS 94% possible success rate All but one of the plans that have been examined have passed

4 Experiences to date: appointment of Examiner Timing of appointment Information provided Identify specialist knowledge Timescales for reporting Indemnity insurance levels LPA and QB should both agree candidate

5 Examiner appointment NPIERS will offer 3 who meet criteria CV and written response/ proposal LPA should liaise closely with QB about process Be realistic about need for interview Phone or email preferred candidate Only discuss their skills, not the Plan

6 Preparing for Examination Key single point of contact essential Ensure all documentation is available at outset Background material Evidence Delegations Committee cycles and electoral services

7 All Plans are different! Plans differ in scale and complexity Some have very few issues, policies and proposals Some are far more complex Varying degrees of professional input from residents and external consultants

8 Key considerations for Examiner Does Plan meet the Basic Conditions? Quality may vary but demonstrating it meets Basic Conditions is the key Examiners will ask for further background information Many will try to help the Plan get over the line

9 Common problems Assuming because it is written down in Plan it is demonstrated: –LPA documentation re QB status and NP area –The saved policies and other plans relied upon –The consultation process (events, numbers and critically “you said,we did” –Keep up to date with national NP issues / precedents

10 The Examiner report 1The Plan should go forward to referendum because it meets all the legal requirements, “the Basic Conditions” 2The Plan should proceed to Referendum if modified 3The Plan should not proceed to Referendum because it does not meet all the legal requirements

11 Public Hearing Important to advertise ahead (28 days minimum) Examiner will provide note explaining: Venue and timings Who has been invited to speak and why Social media coverage and house rules

12 Public hearing Venue in Plan area ideally Examiner will visit site in advance (unaccompanied normally) NOT a Local Plan hearing! Deadlines for representations LPA to make representations public Take note of legal challenge and purdah periods

13 Future prospects Major pipeline of Plans in progress Local people making a real difference More urban NPs needed NPIERS keen to support process

14 Dr. Angus Kennedy Chief Executive Community Regeneration Partnership Ltd

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