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Chamber of Mines of South Africa Learning Hub Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Industry workshop for HR practitioners on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chamber of Mines of South Africa Learning Hub Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Industry workshop for HR practitioners on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chamber of Mines of South Africa Learning Hub Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Industry workshop for HR practitioners on the MOSH Adoption System Glenburn Lodge 19 June 2012

2 Chamber of Mines of South Africa: Learning Hub Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Industry workshop for HR Practitioners on the MOSH Adoption System Glenburn Lodge 19 June 2012 Leading the change to zero harm 09:30Registration and refreshments 10:00Opening and welcomeStanford Malatji 10:10Background and history of the MOSH adoption systemMike Rossouw 10:40The MOSH leading practice adoption systemDuncan Adams 11:15The psychological basis of adoption of OHS practicesProf Jaco Pienaar 11:45MOSH adoption: The behavioural dimensionsDouw Cronje 12:45The culture transformation frameworkDr Sizwe Phakathi 13:00Lunch 13:30Consolidation of morning sessions and introduction to the following breakaway sessions MOSH trainees Skills transfer – mental model research HR involvement in the MOSH processes In house MOSH Training 14:30Plenary session – report back and way forward 15:00Departure

3 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Opening and Welcome Stanford Malatji Head of the Learning Hub, Chamber of Mines

4 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Background and history of the MOSH Adoption System Mike Rossouw Chairman, MOSH Task Force BSc Electrical Engineering (UP); MBA (University of Brunel, UK) 30 years in gold, manganese, titanium, platinum, chrome and mineral beneficiation Previously non-exec director of Zimplats, government appointed independent director of National Electricity Regulator of SA Currently executive director of Xstrata Alloys and chair of Energy Intensive Users Group of SA Expertise in systems engineering, org design, safety & risk management, large scale project management and strategy formulation BSc Electrical Engineering (UP); MBA (University of Brunel, UK) 30 years in gold, manganese, titanium, platinum, chrome and mineral beneficiation Previously non-exec director of Zimplats, government appointed independent director of National Electricity Regulator of SA Currently executive director of Xstrata Alloys and chair of Energy Intensive Users Group of SA Expertise in systems engineering, org design, safety & risk management, large scale project management and strategy formulation

5 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The MOSH Leading Practice Adoption System Duncan Adams MOSH FOG Adoption Team Manager BSc (Hons) Engineering Geology MSc Engineering (Wits) Advanced Certificate in Rock Mechanics 34 Years mining experience (9 as head of Rock Mechanics) 11 years with CSIR Miningtek; 11 years with MHSC BSc (Hons) Engineering Geology MSc Engineering (Wits) Advanced Certificate in Rock Mechanics 34 Years mining experience (9 as head of Rock Mechanics) 11 years with CSIR Miningtek; 11 years with MHSC

6 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The psychological basis of adoption of OHS practices Prof Jaco Pienaar Director, Workwell Research Unit for Economic and Management Sciences PhD Industrial Psychology, registered Industrial Psychologist On the editorial board of the South African Journal of Industrial Psychology External examiner of 154 Dissertations/Theses 43 Masters/PhD students supervised to completion 22 National publications, 5 international publications 17 International papers delivered 5 National and 10 international manuscripts reviewed PhD Industrial Psychology, registered Industrial Psychologist On the editorial board of the South African Journal of Industrial Psychology External examiner of 154 Dissertations/Theses 43 Masters/PhD students supervised to completion 22 National publications, 5 international publications 17 International papers delivered 5 National and 10 international manuscripts reviewed

7 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The MOSH Adoption System and HR

8 Leading the change to zero harm A leading practice comprises three components: Practice Behavioural Comms Leadership Behaviour First and foremost:

9 Leading the change to zero harm MOSH Task Force National/Regional Operational Adoption coordinator Industry MOSH Adoption Team Members Mine Adoption Team Manager Member Spot the glaring omission …. Adopters: Supervisors and team members

10 Leading the change to zero harm A leading practice comprises three components: Practice Behavioural Comms Leadership Behavior Given that: Where do the social sciences feature in the structure?

11 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The MOSH Adoption System: The Practice – Dust as an example

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14 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA

15 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The MOSH adoption process Identify a leading practice Document the leading practice at the site where it is successful Conduct mental models research Draw up generic behavioural communication and leadership behaviour plans Document the leading practice at the site where it is successful Conduct mental models research Draw up generic behavioural communication and leadership behaviour plans Demonstrate successful adoption Facilitate widespread adoption

16 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Explain desired culture The Planning Workshop Key insights/ research OHS data Trends & policies Influence diagram Influence diagram List of practices Criteria for selection Shortlist potential LP’s Consider: Scope for improvement Potential extent of adoption Make or break issues Consider: Scope for improvement Potential extent of adoption Make or break issues Select LP ID & prioritise potential adoption mines Develop master plan

17 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Influence diagram – The dust risk story Source/ process Mobility Exposure Health outcomes Biological outcomes Ore Body Ventilation management Ventilation control Ventilation planning HR systems Controls Engineering: Predictive maintenance Mining: Maintaining systems Finance & commercial systems

18 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The MOSH Adoption System: The Behavioural Dimensions

19 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Desired Behaviour of Deciders To adopt the LP To resource the adoption process To demonstrate commitment to the LP Desired Behaviour of Adopters To adopt the LP To work according to the procedures of the LP – correctly and consistently Leadership behaviour Behaviour to enable adoption by subordinates Providing skills, resources, information, training etc Behaviour to get desired behaviour of subordinates repeated Positive re-inforcement of desired behaviours Positive coaching in case of undesired behaviours

20 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Behaviour is determined All behaviour have a knowable set of causes Pathologies and personality aside, psychological, social and environmental factors comprise our: Experiences Learning & social learning Perceptions Beliefs Biasis Values Mental Models May be incomplete or erroneous and not result in

21 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Behavioural Communication - messages to: Address knowledge gaps Address misperceptions Address particular knowledge, values and beliefs that may affect adoption Mental Models Communi- cation Leadership behaviour: Everything the leader says or does (or not) sends a message Categories of leadership behaviour in the adoption context: As per the behavioural communication plan Re-enforcing desired behaviour Coaching in cases of undesired behaviour Modeling

22 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Mental Models Communi- cation Direct enquiry process One-on-one interviews Qualitative research Representative sample of deciders, adopters & other stakeholders on: All potential adoption mines The source mine The demo mine BC & LB Plans Empirical Research Using an interview protocol informed by Expert knowledge of the particular risk Expert knowledge of the LP Hypotheses and research questions derived from the above

23 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Selected LP Behavioural Communication and Leadership Behaviour Planning Influence diagram Id stakeholder groupings Key insights & research Desired culture Hypotheses & research questions Interview protocol Id interviewees Select & train interviewers Direct enquiry interviews Code & analyse Mental models report Implications & findings Generic BC plan Generic LB plan

24 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Questions?

25 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Topics for Discussion during breakaway sessions

26 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The principle of the scheme The level at which these positions could realistically be pitched The availability for secondment in your organisations How secondments could dovetail with existing schemes Trainees’ conditions of employment (Transport is an issue) The overall feasibility of the scheme. The principle of the scheme The level at which these positions could realistically be pitched The availability for secondment in your organisations How secondments could dovetail with existing schemes Trainees’ conditions of employment (Transport is an issue) The overall feasibility of the scheme. Discussion topic 1: MOSH Trainees

27 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Discussion topic 2: Mental Models Research The Learning Hub does not have resources to do all mental models research; we must rely on Chamber members for assistance. How do we get people in industry skilled and involved when there is a need for mental model research? The Learning Hub does not have resources to do all mental models research; we must rely on Chamber members for assistance. How do we get people in industry skilled and involved when there is a need for mental model research?

28 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA How do we as a discipline get more involved in Leading Practice Adoption processes? Do we leave it to the practitioners in the member companies to do it themselves? How can the Learning Hub assist or facilitate? What are your communication needs in terms of MOSH activities? (Frequency, detail, media, content) Do we need briefing/sharing of learning meetings? (Frequency, duration, topics, level) Can companies designate a person plus alternate for the Learning Hub to liaise with on MOSH matters? How do we as a discipline get more involved in Leading Practice Adoption processes? Do we leave it to the practitioners in the member companies to do it themselves? How can the Learning Hub assist or facilitate? What are your communication needs in terms of MOSH activities? (Frequency, detail, media, content) Do we need briefing/sharing of learning meetings? (Frequency, duration, topics, level) Can companies designate a person plus alternate for the Learning Hub to liaise with on MOSH matters? Discussion topic 3: HR involvement in MOSH processes

29 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Discussion topic 4: HR involvement in MOSH processes Is there a need to train operations on the MOSH Adoption System, in particular the behavioural dimensions? If so: How can the Learning Hub assist/facilitate? Target audiences and numbers? Duration? Is there a need to train operations on the MOSH Adoption System, in particular the behavioural dimensions? If so: How can the Learning Hub assist/facilitate? Target audiences and numbers? Duration?

30 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA The Culture Transformation Framework Dr Sizwe Phakathi Deputy Head, Safety and Sustainable Development, Chamber of Mines PhD University of Oxford. Thesis: Getting on and getting by: The Gold Miners’ informal work practice of making a plan (planisa)” “Most outstanding paper” in 2002 in Journal of Workplace learning; Oxford Uninversity’s Ngo Future of Learning prize for significantly growing the body of knowledge to understand future work Have done research for major mining companies, the COM and CSIR Co-authored numerous research papers, conference papaers, journal articles, book chapters PhD University of Oxford. Thesis: Getting on and getting by: The Gold Miners’ informal work practice of making a plan (planisa)” “Most outstanding paper” in 2002 in Journal of Workplace learning; Oxford Uninversity’s Ngo Future of Learning prize for significantly growing the body of knowledge to understand future work Have done research for major mining companies, the COM and CSIR Co-authored numerous research papers, conference papaers, journal articles, book chapters

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