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Importance of the social business model

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1 Importance of the social business model
Renāte Lukjanska, 18 of May, 2016 Project Social entrepreneurship development in Baltic Sea region is executed under Erasmus + program and  co-financed by the European Union. Responsible for the content solely publisher/presenter; it does not reflect the views of the  European Commission or any related financial body. Those institutions do not bear responsibility for the information set out in the material.

2 Inform about results of our project and get new experience from abroad
Why we are here today? Inform about results of our project and get new experience from abroad

3 Inform about social business models and open wider view on the concept
My aim today – Inform about social business models and open wider view on the concept

4 Our project has produced 4 main results:
Analysis of current situation of SE in the Baltic sea region Educational materials (video, business models material and impact measurement) Recommendations for municipalities

5 Our project has produced 4 main results:
Platform to support SE’s – Over 170 SE in database Events Materials Project results

6 Let’s imagine that we know what is social enterprise

7 Where does social entrepreneurship arise?
Social problem Innovation Business

8 Different motivation Social entrepreneur Conventional entrepreneur
72 social entrepreneurs and 116 conventional business managers from United Kingdom Social entrepreneur Conventional entrepreneur 1. Meaning of work / helping others (universal values) 1.Independance 8. Independence 2. Income/profit 11. Income/profit 11. Meaning of work / helping others (universal values) Source: Lukes, M. & Stephan, U. (2012, in press). Nonprofit Leaders and For-Profit Entrepreneurs: Similar People with Different Motivation. Ceskoslovenska psychologie

9 How does business models fits in?

10 What is a business model?
Business model defines : What it does How it makes money All business models address The same question:

11 What is a business model for SE ?
Besides generation of economic value it has to show also social value in measurable way Yunus and others (2009) – building social business models relies on the some of the same strategic elements as conventional business. Elements of business models are: Illustrate how organisation is doing business how creates value Partners Impact measurement description

12 Popular business models/tools
One of the most popular business models is called – business model canvas (BMC). Special SE oriented edition

13 Popular business models/tools
Another tool – My Social Business Model (MYSBM). The tool is set of questions, which helps lead through The planning process and develop business model.

14 Business models might be different

15 Different business models (types)
BUSINESS Models my be Author: W.Grassl (2012)

16 Different business models (types)
Author: W.Grassl (2012)


18 Thank you for attention!
Paldies, par uzmanību! Thank you for attention! Renāte Lukjanska Thank You

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