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Social Studies 20-1 Nationalism Related Issue I: To what extent should nation be the foundation of identity? Chapter 2: To what extent have perspectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies 20-1 Nationalism Related Issue I: To what extent should nation be the foundation of identity? Chapter 2: To what extent have perspectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies 20-1 Nationalism Related Issue I: To what extent should nation be the foundation of identity? Chapter 2: To what extent have perspectives on identity, nation, and nationalism, evolved?

2 Chapter Inquiry Questions: What are expressions of nationalism? Do expressions of nationalism create a sense of nation among Ukrainians? Metis? Acadians? Canadians?

3 What are Expressions of Nationalism?

4 Expressions of Nationalism Nationalism: the collective, shared sense of belonging of people who identify themselves as a nation When individuals or groups of people communicate or act on this shared sense of belonging, these communications and actions are expressions of nationalism Expressions of nationalism can be expressed in a variety of ways. Can you name some?

5 Examples of Expressions of Nationalism Celebrations of identity Political actions Writing and telling history Artwork (painting, sculpture, illustration, and graphic design) Literature (novels, plays, and poetry) Multimedia (television, websites, movies, animation, and video games) Magazines and news papers Songs, music, and speeches

6 Why Express your Nationalism? People express their nationalism both consciously and subconsciously Desire to reinforce feelings of belonging in the people of a nation Leads to the unification of the individuals of a nation Confirmation of a nation’s identity Reflections on one’s own personal identity To communicate their collective understandings of geography, culture, language, ethnicity, the land, religion and spirituality, and citizenships (facets of nationalism)

7 TV shows do come in handy! Get into small groups and discuss the following (or turn to page 32) Think of popular TV series that are set in Canadian locations (for example, Corner Gas, Whistler, Little Mosque on the Prairie). In what ways does the setting, or geography, of the series help to create a sense of belonging among the characters and, by extension, the viewers? How is that sense of belonging expressed? Brainstorm some other expressions of nationalism from popular culture (for example, songs, brands of clothing, websites) and identify the various understandings of, and perspectives on, nation they convey.

8 Expressions of Nationalism

9 Expressions of Nationalism among Ukrainians? Taras Shevchenko, Ukrainian poet Turn to page 33; read the poem and prepare to discuss questions 1-3 Taras Shevchenko to Ukraine Fairouz to Lebanon Abdulhalim to Egypt

10 Pause and Reflect: Many nations use symbols in their expressions of nationalism. For example, the eagle symbolizes wisdom and strength for First Nations of North America. How does the use of symbols create connections between the people of a nation? What symbols would you use to express your identity as a member of a nation? Creating and displaying decorated Easter eggs, or pysanky, is an ancient tradition and expression of cultural bond between Ukrainian people. The symbols used in the designs are culturally and religiously significant, and the eggs themselves can be used as a symbol of Ukrainian identity.

11 Cross-country Ukrainian Expressions of Nationalism Can Ukrainian around the world share a sense of collective identity? Why might they relate to expressions of nationalism from the people of Ukraine? How might their expressions of Ukrainian nationalism differ from those of the people of Ukraine?

12 ** Skill Path: Gathering and Organizing Information Turn to page 36 You may form triads to complete this assignment Supplies will be available in class The assignment is due ___________

13 Expressions of Nationalism among Metis? Shared history Common culture (song, dance, dress, national symbols, etc.) A unique language (Michif, with various regional dialects) Extensive kinship connections from Ontario westward A distinctive way of life A traditional territory and a collective consciousness

14 Expressions of Nationalism among Acadians? Acadia aka Nova Scotia Le Grand Dérangement pour 1755 The Congrès mondial acadien (CMA) takes place every 5 years. It is a time to celebrate Acadian identity and history Turn to Pause and Reflect #2 on page 46 What other group of people does this remind you of?

15 Expressions of Nationalism among Canadians Symbols: Canadian flag The maple leaf Inukshuk Peacekeepers Read and discuss Pause and Reflect on page 50 With Stephen Harper’s particular standing with Israel during the their Operation Protective Edge against Gaza in 2014, do you think that may have influenced the collective identity of the nation-state? How can it affect how the nation-state is viewed by other nations?

16 At this point, you have identified, explored, and discussed our original inquiry questions below What are expressions of nationalism? Do expressions of nationalism create a sense of nation among Ukrainians? Metis? Acadians? Canadians?

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