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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Magway Region Office Priorities and Detailed Description.

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Presentation on theme: "The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Magway Region Office Priorities and Detailed Description."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Magway Region Office Priorities and Detailed Description of Electrification Plan For Magway Region Dated -21.Oct.2015

2 We always face and solve the case of compensate dealing with the field in construction of lines and substations. Although some farmers are agreed to get the suitable rate identified by the MOEP, some are not. When they want to get more than the suitable rate, we will face with many difficulties ( problems ) We want to construct new substations and upgrade the present distribution substation such as magway (Natmout Street) substation, Pakokku substation, Kanma substation, Pakhangyi substation, etc – according to the ratio of increasing electrification rate. In my opnion, Kanpyar, myothit, myinkin substation in Manway district, Myaing, Yesakyo (Tamartan) substation in Pakokku district, Thayet substation in Thayet district and Hnan khar substation in Gangaw township should be constructed extensively in magway region. As Per DE Idea after discussion with Local government 2

3 The additional electrification statement due to Newly and Replacement 66/33/11kV substation and related power line for Magway Region NoTownship To be constructedThe effective area Estimated cost (million kyats) Substation 66kV Line (mile) 33kV Line (mile) Total Villages Total House hold Total Popu lation Materia l Instal lation Total 1 Pakokku (Substation 1) Replacement 66/11 kV 10 MVA to 20 MVA Sustation 41208058832232501.254.668505.9 2 Pakokku (Substation 2) Replacement 66/11 kV 5 MVA to 10 MVA Sustation 25150000600000397.443.5400.9 3Pakokku66kV Line12.8 1025.2141.661167 4Magway (KanPya) Newly 33/11 kV 10 MVA Sustation 21439820171698.63127.47826.1 5Magway (KanPya)33kV Line 8 324.6946.24370.9 6Magway (Myin Kin) Newly 33/11 kV 5 MVA Sustation 165442599.73105.83705.6 7Magway (Myin Kin)33 kV Line 4.5 182.6426.01208.6 REMARK - The former 66/11 kV, 10 MVA TR; from Pakokku(1) is intended to use for Pakokku(2) 3

4 Pakokku District Number of Village- 209 Household-24156 Estimate Cost-10197.94(Million Kyats) Transformer-232 Nos Magway District Number of Village- 203 Household-33105 Estimate Cost-8827.89(Million Kyats) Transformer-236 Nos Thayet District Number of Village- 90 Household-10105 Estimate Cost-3735.87(Million Kyats) Transformer-104 Nos Gangaw District Number of Village- 24 Household-2832 Estimate Cost-528.23(Million Kyats) Transformer-31 Nos Minbu District Number of Village-139 Household-19228 Estimate Cost-6148.63(Million Kyats) Transformer-153 Nos Magway Region Number of Village-665 Household-89426 Proposal 11kV Line-708.51 Transformer-756 Nos Estimate Cost (Million Kyats) - 29438.4 Electrification Plan for Villages of Magway Union Territory (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) 4

5 Detailed Electrification Plan for Magway Region (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) NoDistrict Name Of Village to be Electri f- ied No of Hou se Hou se hold Popu lation To be constructed Estimat ed cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Mile s) Estimat ed Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Material Cost Tran sport Cost Const ructio n Cost TotalKVANo Materi al Cost Tran sport Cost Const ructio n Cost Total 1 Magwa y 203 3285 7 3307 5 1588 78 192. 5 4607.62 4 250.4 737.52 9 5595.5 5 259 40 23 6 2954. 73 82.6 188.8 73 3226. 26 8827.89 192.2 2 8631.52 2Min Bu139 1922 8 8394 5 145. 5 3479.33 1 189.1 9 557.384225.9 143 10 15 3 1745. 65 54.60 6 122.4 73 1922. 73 6148.62 8 109.3 5 4908.61 3 Pakokk u 209 2415 6 1253 57 248. 8 5901.87 9 335.8 7 945.08 7 7182.8 4 241 90 23 2 2731. 37 97.04 186.6 95 3015. 1 10197.9 4 163.8 3 7354.16 49 4Thayet90 1010 5 3995 7 90.7 8 2034.27 3 154.3 3 324.31 1 2512.9 1 887 0 10 4 1175.9 5 36.483.2 1295. 55 3735.86 8 68.1 3056.94 09 5 Ganga w 24938 4791 31.2 3 321.562 6 17.62 51.513 5 390.69 6 275 0 31 124.8 83 3.858.8 137.5 3 528.228 6 28.49 479.863 41 Total665 8728 4 8750 2 4129 28 708. 5 16344.6 7 947.4 1 2615.8 2 19907. 9 761 00 75 6 8732. 58 274.4 96 590.0 41 9597. 17 29438.4 1 568.824431.1 5

6 Location Map Of Electrification Plan for Magway District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) Magway Township Number of Village-34 Household-6779 Estimate Cost-1781.5 (Million Kyats) Transformer-49 Nos Chauk Township Number of Village-30 Household-3525 Estimate Cost-978.12 (Million Kyats) Transformer-35 Nos Salay Town Number of Village-8 Household-1221 Estimate Cost-332.14 (Million Kyats) Transformer-8 Nos Myingon Town Number of Village-8 Household-1147 Estimate Cost-319.16 (Million Kyats) Transformer-10 Nos Michaungye Town Number of Village-10 Household-1829 Estimate Cost-459.82 (Million Kyats) Transformer-16 Nos Yenangyaung Township Number of Village-15 Household-2224 Estimate Cost-552.48 (Million Kyats) Transformer-12 Nos Natmauk Township Number of Village-8 Household-1491 Estimate Cost-421.48 (Million Kyats) Transformer-11 Nos Myothit Township Number of Village-44 Household-8545 Estimate Cost-1831.29 (Million Kyats) Transformer-49 Nos Taungdwingyi Township Number of Village-46 Household-6344 Estimate Cost-2150.748 (Million Kyats) Transformer-47 Nos Magway District Number of Village-203 Household-33105 Proposal 11kV Line-192.2 Transformer-236 Nos Estimate Cost (Million Kyats)-8827.29 Minbu District 6

7 Detailed Electrification Plan for Magway Township(Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Town Ship Name Of Villag e to be Elect rified No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu lation To be constructed Estim ated cost (Mil Kyate s) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Mile s) Estimat ed Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Mater ial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost TotalKVANo Mater ial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost Total 1Magway34656167793092136.9 887.0 60 48.09 141.5 1 1076. 70 534049 648.5 2 17.15 0 39.20 0 704.8 70 1781. 50 42.391905.8 2 Myyinco n 81147 46706.49 155.1 60 8.4424.86 188.4 6 98010 119.2 0 3.5008.000 130.7 0 319.1 6 7.19322.75 3 Miechau ngyie 101829 91928.49 202.9 80 11.0432.52 246.5 3 130016 194.8 9 5.600 12.80 0 213.2 90 459.8 2 11.1498.27 4 Yaenanc haung 152224 1057713.60 324.9 10 17.6752.05 394.6 3 142012 144.0 5 4.2009.600 157.8 50 552.4 8 8.1363.60 5Chauk303525 1732717.40 416.0 00 22.62 0 66.64 505.2 6 378035 427.6 0 12.25 0 28.00 0 467.9 00 978.1 2 21.08946.26 6Salay81191 60007.63 182.4 20 9.91929.22 221.5 6 10508 101.3 8 2.8006.400 110.5 80 332.1 4 4.62207.39 7 Taungtwi ngyi 466344 2942352.75 1261. 14 68.57 5 202.0 3 1531. 76 491047 564.8 7 16.45 0 37.67 3 618.9 93 2150. 75 40.741828.78 8Myothit448545 4492540.00 957.0 37 52.03 9 153.3 1 1162. 39 602048 613.7 0 16.80 0 38.40 0 668.9 02 1831. 29 51.22298.32 9Natmauk81491 58439.24 220.9 1 12.01 0 35.38 9 268.3 1 1140. 0 11 140.5 2 3.8508.800 153.1 70 421.4 80 5.800260.356 Total2033285733075 15887 8 192.5 0 4607. 62 250.4 00 737.5 29 5595. 55 2594 0 236 2954. 73 82.60 0 188.8 73 3226. 26 8827. 29 192.2 2 8631.52 7

8 Location Map of Electrification Plan for Minbu District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) 2554.45 272.43 1128. 182.89 348.9 198.8 1462.8 6148.6 198.8 1462.8 2554.4 272.4 182.9 348.9 8

9 Detailed Electrification Plan for Minbu District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Town Ship Name Of Villag e to be Elect rified No of House Hous e hold Popu lation To be constructed Estim ated cost (Mil Kyate s) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Mile s) Estima ted Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Materi al Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost TotalKVANo Mater ial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost Total 1Min Bu5852 35813.82 91.328 5 4.96614.63110.93800566.221.75471.97 182.89 5 5.54248.69 2Sagu244433 1894 4 24.37 582.63 8 31.68 1 93.33 7 707.6 6 260033 382.7 2 11.5526.4 420.6 7 1128.3 3 16.14724.51 3 PwintPhy u 10118111853364.45106.395.785 17.04 3 129.2 2 128011 130.5 6 3.858.8 143.2 1 272.42 5 5.9264.85 4Salin628152 3628 4 61.54 1471.2 9 80.00 2 235.6 9 1786. 99 591061 696.1 7 22.40 6 48.87 3 767.4 5 2554.4 5 54.952466.6 5 Sinbyugy un 282359 1085 7 39.05 933.60 7 50.76 5 149.5 6 1133.9 3 272026 298.9 6 9.120.8 328.8 6 1462.7 9 17.5785.56 6Nga Pe61971 73647.2 172.13 8 9.36 27.57 6 209.0 74 60013 124.8 8 4.5510.4 139.8 3 348.916269.33 7Sidoktaya4343 15795.1121.936.63 19.53 3 148.0 94 400446. Total19228 8394 5 145.5 3 3479.3 189.1 9 557.3 8 4225. 9 1431 0 153 1745. 7 54.60 6 122.4 7 1922. 7 6148.6109.44908.6 9

10 Location Map Of Electrification Plan for Pakokku District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) Myaing Township Number of Village-50 Household-4417 Estimate Cost-2215.6357 (Million Kyats) Pauk Township Number of Village-50 Household-6457 Estimate Cost-2387.106 (Million Kyats) Seikphyu Township Number of Village-14 Household-1357 Estimate Cost-371.6964 (Million Kyats) Pakokku Township Number of Village-58 Household-6598 Estimate Cost-3112.32004 (Million Kyats) Yesagyo Township Number of Village-37 Household-5327 Estimate Cost-2111.18354 (Million Kyats) Pakokku District Number of Village-209 Household-24156 Proposal 11kV Line-248.88 Transformer-232 Nos Estimate Cost (Million Kyats)-10197.942 10

11 Detailed Electrification Plan for Pakokku District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Town Ship Name Of Village to be Electrifi ed No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu lation To be constructed Estimat ed cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Mile s) Estimat ed Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Mater ial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost TotalKVANo Mater ial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost Total 1 Pakok ku 586598 3007 9 78.58 1878. 6 102.1 5 300.9 6 2281. 8 704063 758.0 6 22.0550.4 830.5 1 3112.3243.971973.8 2 Yesaky o 385327 2885 6 54.83 1310. 9 71.27 9 209.9 9 1592. 2 428040 473.0 3 1432 519.0 3 2111.1833.361497.5 3Myaing504417 2485 8 51.73 1236. 8 67.24 9 198.1 2 1502. 1 508055 650.2 5 19.2544713.52215.6334.271538.3 4Pauk506457 2907 2 55.5 1326. 9 72.15 212.5 7 1611. 6 648059 707.6 5 20.6547.2 775.4 9 2387.10 6 42.231895.7 5 SeikPh yu 141357 1249 2 8.2 148.6 6 23.04 2 23.43 5 195.1 4 131015 142.3 8 21.09 13.09 5 176.5 6 371.696 4 10448.89 Total 2415 6 1253 57 248.8 4 5901. 9 335.8 7 945.0 8 7182. 8 2419 0 23 2 2731. 4 97.04 0 186.6 9 3015. 1 10197.9 4 163.8 3 7354.2 11

12 Location Map of Electrification Plan for Thayet District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) 3735.9 836.1 1569.58 519.13 238.37 572.71 12

13 Detailed Electrification Plan for Thayet District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Town Ship Name Of Villag e to be Electri fi- ed No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu latio n To be constructed Estimat ed cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Line s (Mile s) Estimat ed Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Mate rial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost Total KV A No Mate rial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost Total 1Thayet111121 463515.2 363.4 0 19.76 58.21 6 441.3 8 90011 118.6 8 3.858.8 131.3 3 572.714.85217.71 2 Aungla n 6806 40505.3 126.7 1 6.89 20.29 9 153.99006 77.57 3 2.14.8 84.47 3 238.3746.5291.78 3 Sinpau ng wae 111604 747912.28 293.5 9 15.96 4 47.03 2 356.5 9 110 0 13 147.5 9 4.5510.4 162.5 4 519.12610.5471.33 4Kanma414663 1712 4 34.45 823.6 3 45.54 131.4 6 1000. 6 390 0 52 581.7 5 18.241.6 641.5 5 1569.5833.451501.5 5Mintone211911 666923.55 426.9 4 66.17 67.30 6 560.4 2 207 0 22 250.3 6 7.717.6 275.6 6 836.07512.8574.58 Total 1010 5 3995 7 90.78 2034. 3 154.3 3 324.3 1 2512. 9 887 0 10 4 1175. 9 36.40 0 83.20 0 1295. 6 3735.8768.13056.9 13

14 Location Map of Electrification Plan for Gangaw District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No. of villages- 24 Household- 2832 Proposal 11 kV Line- 31.23 Proposal 11/0.4 kV Tr;- 31 Estimate Cost- 1307.615 (Mil kyats) Ganggaw Township No. of villages- 6 Household- 871 Estimate Cost336.925 (Mil kyats) Htilin Township No. of villages- 4 Household- 564 Estimate Cost- 263.752 (Mil kyats) Kyaukhtu Township No. of villages- 10 Household- 938 Estimate Cost-528.2286 (Mil kyats) Saw Township No. of villages- 4 Household- 459 Estimate Cost- 178.707 (Mil kyats) 14

15 Detailed Electrification Plan for Gangaw District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Town Ship Name Of Village to be Electrifi ed No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu latio n To be constructed Estimat ed cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Mile s) Estimat ed Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Mate rial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost TotalKVANo Mate rial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost Total 1Gangaw6871 33857.126 170.3 7 9.263 8 27.29 3 206.9275010118.53.58130336.9257314.22 2Htilin4564 26896.65 158.9 9 8.711 5 25.46 9 193.176005 64.83 5 1.754 70.58 5 263.7545.8260.36 3Saw4459 21984 95.63 2 5.2415.32116.194005 56.76 5 1.754 62.51 5 178.7075224.45 4 Kyaukht u 10938 479113.45 321.5 6 17.61 9 51.51 1 390.69 100 0 11 124.8 8 3.858.8 137.5 3 528.22910.69479.86 Total2832 1306 3 31.23 746.5 5 40.83 5 119.5 9 906.98 275 0 31 364.9 8 10.85 0 24.80 0 400.6 3 1307.6228.491278.9 15

16 Sr.N o Fiscal Year State/Region Capital Budget for ESE(mil, Kyats) State/Region Capital Budget for DRD(mil, Kyats) Electrified Connection Total Cost for 11kV Line & 11/0.4kV TR Total Cost for 400V Line TotalOff Grid ON GridOff Grid Villag e (Nos) Consum er (Nos) Village (Nos) Consu mer (Nos) 1 2014-2015 Estimate (BE+RE) 537.272362.487899.7592784.529428389718998 2 2015-2016 Estimate (BE+RE) 10645.432209.45 12854.8 8 3283.612643383118512559 32016-2017 Estimate (BE)9508.403 1497.42 4 11005.82 7 19093.6721983646855474998 Grand Total20691.105 4069.36 1 24760.4 66 25161.8115047868881096555 The Statement of Fiscal Year Budget and Electrical Connection for Magway Region 16

17 Main Materials List Transported to Magway Region Office Sr No DescriptionQuantitesTransported Site 1Distribution Transformer756 2Concrete Poles33449 3Medium Voltage Conductor24080 4Insulator103296 5 Surge Arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 2271 6Other Assorted Accessories Total163852 17

18 Main Materials List Transported to Magway District Office Sr No DescriptionQuantitesTransported Site 1Distribution Transformer236 To Magway District 2Concrete Poles9123 3Medium Voltage Conductor7481 4Insulator31251 5 Surge Arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 711 6Other Assorted Accessories 18

19 Main Materials List Transported to Minbu District Office Sr No DescriptionQuantitesTransported Site 1Distribution Transformer153 To Minbu District 2Concrete Poles6855 3Medium Voltage Conductor4871 4Insulator23368 5 Surge Arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 459 6Other Assorted Accessories 19

20 Sr No DescriptionQuantitesTransported Site 1Distribution Transformer232 To Pakokku District 2Concrete Poles11664 3Medium Voltage Conductor7441 4Insulator33663 5 Surge Arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 696 6Other Assorted Accessories Main Materials List Transported to Pakokku District Office 20

21 Sr No DescriptionQuantitesTransported Site 1Distribution Transformer104 To Thayet District 2Concrete Poles4294 3Medium Voltage Conductor3296 4Insulator14672 5 Surge Arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 312 6Other Assorted Accessories Main Materials List Transported to Thayet District Office 21

22 Main Materials List Transported to Gangaw District Office Sr No DescriptionQuantitesTransported Site 1Distribution Transformer31 To Gangaw District 2Concrete Poles1513 3Medium Voltage Conductor991 4Insulator341 5 Surge Arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 93 6Other Assorted Accessories 22

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