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Interdenominational Cooperation Fund UMEIT 2016 Louisville, KY Presenter: Kathryn A. Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Interdenominational Cooperation Fund UMEIT 2016 Louisville, KY Presenter: Kathryn A. Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdenominational Cooperation Fund UMEIT 2016 Louisville, KY Presenter: Kathryn A. Williams

2 I C F

3 1. World Service 2. Episcopal 3. Interdenominational Cooperation Fund 4. Ministerial Education 5. Black College Fund 6. General Administration 7. Africa University One of Seven Apportioned Funds of The United Methodist Church

4 2017 – 2020 Budget $8.0 million


6 Partner with other denominations in support of ecumenical efforts around the world foster Christian unity and understanding witness to a common Christian faith advocate for global peace and justice all over the world. Funding from the ICF allows The United Methodist Church to:

7 And, helps The United Methodist Church address its Four Areas of Ministry, ecumenically

8 Engaging in Ministry with the Poor Improving Global Health Developing Principled Christian Leaders Creating New and Renewed Congregations Four Areas of Ministry Focus

9 Who or what is supported by the ICF? Part 1

10 World Student Christian Federation – North America

11 is both operational and programmatic to ecumenical organizations through which The United Methodist Church participates in God’s mission in cooperation with other Christian communions. Support from ICF…

12 may be used to augment the capacity of ecumenical organizations to provide quality programs of broad scope to the community. Support from ICF…

13 ensures a United Methodist voice and presence in worldwide deliberations and meetings of funded ecumenical bodies, by covering travel expenses for United Methodist representatives named by the Council of Bishops Support from ICF…

14 Example…


16 It is a community of churches on the way to visible unity in one faith and one Eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and in common life in Christ. It seeks to advance towards this unity, as Jesus prayed for his followers, "so that the world may believe." (John 17:21) WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES (WCC)

17 Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance Live the Promise HIV/AIDS Campaign Food for Life Campaign WCC child rights engagement Care for creation and climate justice Ecumenical theological education Promoting Just Peace WCC PROGRAMS

18 WCC Member Churches

19 WCC Member Churches

20 WCC Member Churches

21 Each funded entity has its stated purpose, membership and programs – expanding the ministries and ecumenical partnerships of The United Methodist Church

22 Who or what is supported by the ICF? Part 2

23 Dialogues Current Moravian Church (Northern and Southern Provinces) Episcopal United States Conference on Catholic Bishops

24 Continuing Relationships Pan-Methodist Commission African Methodist Episcopal African Methodist Episcopal Zion African Union Methodist Protestant Christian Methodist Episcopal Union American Methodist Episcopal United Methodist ELCA – UMC Joint Commission On Full Communion

25 2012 Pan-Methodist Celebration of full communion Christian Churches Together Dedication of the Methodist Ecumenical Office in Rome 2012 Full Communion Agreement Celebrating the life of Francis Asbury – Birmingham England Webinar series: Horizons of Interfaith Peace Building; Gearing up to fight climate change; Faiths united against gun violence


27 For more information, please visit Thank you!

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