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P INIOS R IVER B ASIN Thanos G. Katsaros. PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Central section of mainland Greece, in Thessaly (Thessalia) Water Region Pinios River.

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Presentation on theme: "P INIOS R IVER B ASIN Thanos G. Katsaros. PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Central section of mainland Greece, in Thessaly (Thessalia) Water Region Pinios River."— Presentation transcript:

1 P INIOS R IVER B ASIN Thanos G. Katsaros

2 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Central section of mainland Greece, in Thessaly (Thessalia) Water Region Pinios River Basin Total surface area: 10.550 km 2 River Length: 216km Main tributaries: 1.Titarisios 2.Enipeas 3.Kalentzis 4.Litheos Mean elevation of the catchment: 285 m

3 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Western slopes of Pindos Mountains  Alluvial basin of the Thessalic plain   Flows eastwards through the Valley of Tempi  Discharges into the Aegean Thessaly Water Region and Pinios River Basin

4 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Aquiferous, essentially sand intercalations separated by layers of clay to salty- clay Neogene deposits consisting of marls and conglomerates and is bounded by schists and karstic limestones or marbles Plain Consistency

5 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN (Former) Lake Karla: 1.050 km 2 Drained in 1962 through an ambitious reclamation project, mainly for agricultural purposes Problems arised: 1.Drainage 2.Mediocre results cultivation 3.Climate deteriorated 4.Ground waters lowered 5.Soil chemical degradation detected 6.100 hm 3 of water was abstracted every year Completion of the land reclamation project  Failure Partial restoration of the Lake Karla is under progress Lake Karla

6 The climate of the Region is Mediterranean continental. The winters are cold and the summers hot and the temperature differential between the two seasons are large. The average temperature is 16-17oC. The mean annual relative humidity is 67%-72%. Snowfall is very often on the mountains. Population in the catchment is about 700.000 inhabitants. Major cities: Larissa, Volos, Karditsa, Trikala Food transformation, metal production, agriculture, breeding, fisheries and forestry. PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Isohyetal curves Mean annual values (since 1/10/1955)

7 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Total Water Availability: 3.200 hm 3 Water Consistence: 2.600 hm 3 surface water and 600 hm 3 groundwater (approximate values) Water uses of the total water consumption in the catchment area : 1. 96% irrigation purposes 2. 3,3 % for water supply Average surface natural flow: 45-60 m 3 /sec Monthly average surface natural flow in Pinios River Basin (hm3)

8 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Intensive agricultural activities with extensive use of agrochemicals  Heavy soil erosion Land-application of all nitrogen-containing fertilizers feeds the watercourses  Pollution trends Municipal & industrial waste water  Pollution trends Water abstraction for irrigation purposes and the intensive use of groundwater  Problems of over-exploitation in some aquifers of the basin area Urban activities, small industries and tourist infrastructures  Water levels pressuring Extreme hydrologic events such as floods and droughts are quite common in the catchment Pressures and Impacts

9 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Monitoring Networks 1. Assessment of the water quality (physico-chemical parameters) in: Surface waters (42 sampling points) Groundwater (30 sampling points) 2. Assessment of the groundwater quantitative status (350 sampling sites)

10 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Waters Quality Surface Water Quality: Generally in good condition – Nitrites and pesticides show elevated levels in few sampling sites Groundwater Quality: Nitrate and ammonium exceed (in some cases) the critical value for drinking water  Thessalic plain is designated as a vulnerable zone (according to the criteria of 91/676/EC Directive)  Codes for a Good Agricultural Practice, along with Action Programs, have been developed (measures to reduce overall inputs of nitrogen to agriculture in the form of fertiliser and organic manures) Lowering of the water table  Seawater intrusion  Coastline aquifers are of high risk

11 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Groundwater nitrates pollution zones in Pinios River Basin (Data source: NAGREF, 2002) High risk zone Medium risk zone Low risk zone

12 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Ecological quality status of coastal waters in Pinios River Basin based on macroinvertebrates and macroalgae quality elements HIGH GOOD POOR BAD

13 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Areas of activity 1. Groundwater on: Groundwater monitoring General priority issues of the Mediterranean region which will be addressed in the framework of the Joint Med. Process on groundwater issues (MED- EUWI Groundwater WG) 2. WFD and Agriculture on: Nutrient pollution from agriculture Development of PoMs 3. Bilateral collaboration with specific RTD projects

14 PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN Problems Encountered The organisation of the project The administrative arrangements for the co-operation of activities The role of the involved local, regional and national authorities, the stakeholders, the NGOs and the public in the implementation of the project The existing fragmentation of roles, responsibilities and interests at regional and national level The organisation of the sharing and diffusion of information The collection of the existing data The lack of data about biological quality elements The way that the reference conditions should be defined (based on modelling or on expert judgement), etc.

15 Thank you for your attention!! PINIOS PILOT RIVER BASIN

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