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Resource Envelope for Decentralised Planning. Planning by Local Bodies Decentralised planning involves planning by local governments at different levels.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Envelope for Decentralised Planning. Planning by Local Bodies Decentralised planning involves planning by local governments at different levels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Envelope for Decentralised Planning

2 Planning by Local Bodies Decentralised planning involves planning by local governments at different levels in matters entrusted to them. In Odisha, 21 subjects of 11 Departments (11 th Schedule) have been transferred to PRIs and 17 functions (12 th Schedule) to ULBs. These subjects address three aspects of development, namely, human development, infrastructure development and improvement in production sector.

3 Financial Resources for Decentralized Planning Own resources of local government Transfers by SFC CFC grants Grants in respect of Centrally Sponsored Schemes Grants for state plan schemes Grants for Externally supported schemes Bank Credit Community’s contribution.

4 Resource Envelope for Annual Plan, Odisha 2014-15 (Allocation under District Sector Schemes) SectorPlan Outlay Sectoral Share: Agriculture & Allied270720.9610.28 Energy0.36 General Economic Services14700.000.56 Industries & Minerals0.33 Irrigation & Flood Control89900.003.41 Rural Development237121.049.00 Science Technology & Environment11895.050.45 Social Services1470701.6755.84 Special Area Programmes194533.007.39 Transport325696.0112.37 Grand Total2633582.65100% District Sector Outlay2633582.65 State Sector Outlay1447417.35 Plan Size of the State4081000.00 % of District Sector Outlay to State Plan Outlay64.53%

5 Issues At present, district sector schemes are included under a separate budget head. It is contemplated to transfer those schemes along with resources to the purview of district plan. These plans are scheme-oriented stand-alone plans prepared by departments concerned. There is a high degree of compartmentalization at the state and district level. District sector component of the departmental plan is not worked out through any consultation process at district and sub-district levels.

6 Issues Contd… There is no awareness regarding resource envelope at the district and sub-district levels prior to commencement of the planning process in a year. Budgets of the local governments at each level of the district are not indicated in time. The concept of grassroots planning has not been understood by those concerned at district and sub-district levels. There is very little respect for the capabilities of the people to undertake their own planning.

7 Steps for effective resource envelope analysis Stocktaking all funding streams and schemes. Planning unit-wise break-up of scheme information. Participatory resource envelope analysis – a process where people have opportunity to know resources available with the local government for development plan. THANK YOU

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