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Flag Football. What is Flag Football?  Flag is a modified version of tackle football  Flag provides participants with the opportunity to develop many.

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Presentation on theme: "Flag Football. What is Flag Football?  Flag is a modified version of tackle football  Flag provides participants with the opportunity to develop many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flag Football


3 What is Flag Football?  Flag is a modified version of tackle football  Flag provides participants with the opportunity to develop many of the same skills, tactics and strategies without significant physical contact.

4 Objective  To carry the ball or complete a pass over the opponent’s goal line into their endzone AND prevent the opposing team from doing the same by intercepting the ball or detaching the flag from your opponent’s belt  The team with the most points at the end of the game wins

5 Players + Equipment  Each team can have 5 players on the field of play  Shoes  Football  Flags  Pylons to mark boundaries

6 Typical Field Dimensions

7 Scoring  Touch down = 6 points

8 Rules - Offense  There are no kickoffs.  The offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 5- yard line and has three plays (downs) to cross midfield. They then get another 3 plays to score a touch down.  If the offensive team fails to cross midfield, possession of the ball changes and the opposition starts its drive from its 5-yard line.  Forward passes may be thrown from any point behind the line of scrimmage, from that point on, only backward or lateral passes are allowed

9 Rules - Defence  The defensive team can stop the offensive team from advancing the ball by pulling off one of the ball-carrier’s flags  Players must have possession of the football before they can legally be de- flagged

10 Other Rules  No contact  No blocking  No spin moves  On the line is out.  Receivers must have both feet touching the ground in play after catching the ball for the pass to be considered complete.

11 Offside  If a player is in front of the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped.

12 Dead Ball  the ball carrier’s flag is detached  an incomplete pass is made by the QB or when the ball is fumbled  the official blows the whistle  the ball goes out of bounds  when any part of the ball carrier’s body other than their hands or feet touch the ground

13 Terminology  down  end zone  first down  fumble  handoff  interception  line of scrimmage  offence  offside  safety  touchdown

14 Positions  Quarterback (QB)  Center (C)  Wide Receiver (WR)  Running Back (RB)  Defensive Back (DB)




18 Some Wide Receiver Routes


20 C QB WR RB Line of scrimmage DBs

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