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Study of the universe (Earth as a planet and beyond)

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2 Study of the universe (Earth as a planet and beyond)


4  The theory that the universe began as a point and has been expanding since.



7 Structure: Universe  Galaxy Superclusters  Local Group  Milky Way Galaxy  Solar System

8 

9 1. How many solar systems are in our galaxy? So far.. about 150 with new discoveries every year 2. How many stars are in our galaxy? 200-400 billion 4. How many galaxies are in the universe? Hubble has observed over 5000, but it is estimated that there are over 500 billion!

10 Earth to Sun: 93 million miles or 1 Astronomical unit (AU) ** 8 minutes for sunlight to reach Earth ** 8 minutes for sunlight to reach Earth Solar System (from Sun to Keiper Belt): 40 AU **takes 5 ½ hours for sunlight to reach Pluto **takes 5 ½ hours for sunlight to reach Pluto Outside of our solar the distances are so great we have to use a new unit: the light year. (LY) =186,000 miles per second

11 Sun to next nearest star (Alpha Centauri): 4.3 LY Milky Way Diametern (our galaxy): 100,000 LY Sun to Andromeda galaxy (nearest galaxy): 2.9 million LY Limit of observable universe: about 15 billion LY

12  Parallax: It is the positional _______of an object caused by the motion of the observer.










22  Stable stars (like our sun) are called main sequence stars.  Stars are made of hydrogen that exists in a state of matter called plasma.

23  Stars produce energy through nuclear fusion. This requires extreme heat and pressure.  A star is born when the temperature hydrogen can fuse into helium is reached (~120 million Kelvin) FUSION

24  Fusion force outward = gravitational force inward (forces are balanced and stable)  Once the star runs out of hydrogen in the core, the star is UNSTABLE and begins to die.


26 Temperature of stars is indicated by COLOR Blue = highest energy = hottest Red = lowest energy = coolest

27 Luminosity (actual brightness) is impacted by 2 variables: TEMPERATURE & SIZE Higher temp = higher luminosity (brightness) Bigger size = higher luminosity (brightness)

28  Apparent Magnitude – how bright a star appears to us on Earth (does not indicate actual luminosity)  Absolute Magnitude – how bright a star would appear if all stars were equal distance away

29 1. Stars begin formation in a nebula –a cloud of gas and dust

30 2. Protostar – gases contract, heat up (fusion has NOT started yet in the core)

31 3. Main Sequence – hydrogen fusion has begun in the core; star is STABLE

32 4. Red Giant - Hydrogen runs out in core, fusion stops, gravity wins - Star begins to collapse, which causes enough heat and pressure to begin helium fusion in core - Star expands and cools **Star is UNSTABLE and is dying**

33 5. Nova – explosion of a low mass star, which leaves behind a… Planetary nebula –a cloud of gas and dust surrounding the star’s remnant core

34 White dwarf- very dense carbon-oxygen core left behind after the nova of a low mass star **The size of the Earth but the mass of the sun!

35 1. Nebula  2. Protostar  3. Main Sequence  4. Red Supergiant  ….



38 Once the core of the red giant runs out of helium, if the temperature is high enough it can begin fusing even heavier elements. Chain of nuclear fusion: Stable stars: Hydrogen  Helium Dying stars: Helium  Carbon  Heavier Elements  Iron Iron is the heaviest element that can be fused in the core of a star.


40 5. Super Nova – massive explosion of an unstable high mass star; source of heavy elements

41 6a. Neutron Star (Pulsar) – EXTREMELY DENSE rapidly spinning core of a massive star left behind after a super nova explosion **measures only 10 miles across with 300,000 times the gravity of earth and about 1.5 times the mass of our Sun!

42 6b. Black hole – final stage of an extremely massive star, with a gravitational field so intense that even light cannot escape **smaller than the City of Stafford!

43 FUSION in the cores of STARS! Teachers' Domain: The Elements: Forged in Stars (4 minute video) Teachers' Domain: The Elements: Forged in Stars (4 minute video)

44 1. Higher star mass = faster fusion reactions = shorter life span (usually hotter & brighter) 2. Lower star mass = slower fusion reactions = longer life span (usually cooler & dimmer)

45 H-R diagram allows astronomers to determine the stage in a star’s life cycle based on where it falls on the diagram. Based on temperature and brightness. **About 90% of stars on the H-R diagram are main sequence**

46 Star Size Comparison:


48 The Electromagnetic Spectrum (light)

49 Stars emit all wavelengths; all types of electromagnetic radiation. The only type you can see is visible light! Where does this energy come from???? FUSION

50 The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Looking Through Galactic Space Clouds:

51 a. Wavelength represented by color b. Highest energy (shortest wavelength) = (shortest wavelength) = BLUE BLUE c. Lowest energy (longest wavelength) = (longest wavelength) = RED RED Teachers' Domain: Wavelength (quick interactive) Teachers' Domain: Wavelength (quick interactive)

52 ELEMENTS: Every element emits its own characteristic spectrum (fingerprint) 1. We can use this to determine the elements that make up the atmospheres of stars and planets!

53 MOTION: Can determine the speed & direction of moving celestial objects Doppler effect – apparent change in wavelength of radiation or sound that indicates whether an object is moving towards or away Understanding the Doppler Effect: =WCEhidp8tiA =WCEhidp8tiA

54 Red shift - wavelength stretches as objects move away from each other, shifting the visible spectrum to the red end Blue Shift - wavelength shortens as objects move toward each other, shifting to the visible spectrum to the blue end

55  Formation of the Solar System: Formation of the Solar System:

56  A large gas cloud ( nebula ) contracted through gravity  The sun formed in the center  ‘Seeds’ of matter began to clump together in a disk, and their gravity attracted more matter, eventually forming planets  Solar wind blew the remaining dust away.

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