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3 rd Quarter Words!!. Thomas Jefferson Your Name Republican Wanted economy = based on agriculture Believed informed citizens could make good decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "3 rd Quarter Words!!. Thomas Jefferson Your Name Republican Wanted economy = based on agriculture Believed informed citizens could make good decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 rd Quarter Words!!

2 Thomas Jefferson Your Name Republican Wanted economy = based on agriculture Believed informed citizens could make good decisions about their country

3 John Adams Your Name He Passed 2 important laws: 1) Alien Acts (harder for aliens to become citizens) 2)Sedition Acts (it is a crime to encourage a rebellion against the government)

4 Nullify Your Name To refuse to recognize a federal law Ex: T. Jefferson wanted states to nullify Adam’s Sedition Acts

5 Foreign Policy Your Name Guidelines for how a country handles political or economic interactions with other countries EX: Neutrality = a policy of NOT CHOOSING SIDES in a war between other countries

6 Isolationism Your Name A policy of avoiding political or military agreements with other countries G. Washington came up with this idea

7 Impressment Your Name The act of forcing men to serve in the navy by force and without notice Ex: The British began impressing (kidnapping) Am. sailors to serve in their navy

8 Embargo Your Name A government order that prevents products from entering or leaving a country Ex: Pres. Jefferson ordered an embargo to force the Brits and French to leave Am. ships alone!

9 XYX Affair Your Name French Foreign Minister Talleyrand sent 3 secret agents (XYZ) to ask American diplomats to pay a tribute ($$$$$ to stop attacking our ships)

10 Diplomacy Your Name The art of conducting negotiations with other countries Ex: Pres. Jefferson used diplomacy to buy the Louisiana Purchase from France

11 Citizen Genet Your Name He came from France, to convince Americans to fight against the British He insulted Washington due to our neutrality policy

12 Tribute Your Name A Payment of money as the price of protection Ex: XYZ affair Ex: 2 million to the Barbary States

13 Louisiana Purchase Your Name President Jefferson bought this land from the French (Napoleon) for $15 million This land now gave the U.S. the valuable New Orleans port (with access to the Mississippi!)

14 War Hawks Your Name Congressmen from the S. and W. who wanted war against the British They hoped to weaken Native Americans & take over Canada

15 Treaty of Ghent Your Name A peace treaty signed by Am. and British diplomats Signed BEFORE the Battle of New Orleans Stopped the war, but didn’t really solve any problems

16 Monroe Doctrine Your Name President Monroe wanted to send a warning out to European nations---- STAY OUT of Latin America! Many Europeans thought Americans were being arrogant & had no right to interfere

17 President James Madison Your Name He offered France & G.B. a deal = US would only trade with them if they quit attacking our ships Under him, Congress declared war against the British (War of 1812)

18 General Andrew Jackson Your Name He defended New Orleans with militia, free African Americans, & pirates The Battle of New Orleans was the greatest US victory in the War of 1812

19 Tecumseh Your Name A Shawnee warrior who tried to unite all Native American tribes He wanted to get rid of American settlers He got weapons from the British

20 -LOGY Your Name Suffix: Study of Ex = bio-LOGY (study of life) Theo-LOGY (study of religion)

21 -ism Your Name (Suffix) System or characteristic of Rac-ISM (system of preferring one race) Commun-ISM (system characterized by the absence of classes)

22 -Crat / -Cracy Your Name (suffix) To Rule Demo-CRAT (people rule) Aristo-CRAT (nobles/upper class rule)

23 Demo- Your Name (prefix) People DEMO-cracy (people rule)

24 Migr- Your Name (prefix) To wander MIGRate (to move from 1 place to another) imMIGRant (someone who moves from their original home to another location)

25 TRANS- Your Name (prefix) Across Ex: TRANS-port to take across from 1 place to another

26 Theo- Your Name (Prefix) God Ex: mono-THEISM Belief in 1 God Ex: Theocracy A government in which GOD is regarded as the ruling power

27 Pater- Your Name (Prefix) Father Ex: Paternalism – fatherly Ex: Patron – someone who supports an activity or institution

28 Spoils System- Your Name Rewarding people who politically support you with jobs Pres. Andrew Jackson gave hundreds of government jobs to his friends/democrats

29 Tariff- Your Name A tax on imported goods (products that come from another country) Northerners LOVED the tariffs! Southerners HATED the tariffs!

30 Secede- Your Name To formally withdraw from a country or organization South Carolina wanted to secede from the U.S. because they DID NOT like the tariffs

31 Nationalism- Your Name Loyalty & devotion to one’s nation Strong ties with your country – you want to protect it!

32 Manifest Destiny- Your Name 19 th century doctrine that Westward expansion was a god-given right Negative: Many Native Americans got kicked off their land

33 Industrial Revolution- Your Name A Shift from manual labor to mechanized work Natural resources were needed to power factories / machines Caused migration of people from farms into cities!

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