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Transforming Academic Support.  Until 1999 “labs” and “diagnostics” prevailed for “basic skills students”  Curriculum was segregated  Students felt.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Academic Support.  Until 1999 “labs” and “diagnostics” prevailed for “basic skills students”  Curriculum was segregated  Students felt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Academic Support

2  Until 1999 “labs” and “diagnostics” prevailed for “basic skills students”  Curriculum was segregated  Students felt disenfranchised  Success rates were low  Divisive culture  Help was focused on students who “struggle”

3 All learning is developmental All students require support What benefits some students benefits all Classroom partnership is the key to student success Multiple deliveries available for all learners

4 Percent of Students Annual Headcount 00-0101-0202-0303-0404-0505-0606-0707-0808-0909-1010-1111-1212-13 Accessed Success Center 7,57311,71212,52611,99112,74614,59513,68414,75916,45316,43414,86414,18413,653 District Headcount 26,55929,80028,74126,07126,82727,185 28,22229,32329,37725,92924,11023,599

5 Students Who Accessed the Success Centers Students Who Did Not Access the Success Centers Success Rate 78.3%51.3% Retention Rate 94.7%80.1% Percent Relationship Between Success Center Access and Success and Retention Rates, 2012 ~ 2013 Foundation Skills Courses

6 Success Center Return Rate Percentage of Students Who Returned to Utilize Success Center Services After Initially Accessing a Success Center For Courses That Do/Do Not Have a Requirement From Summer 2005 through Fall 2012, 60.9% of students who accessed a Success Center returned to utilize Success Center services in a subsequent semester. 62.9% of students who first accessed a Success Center as part of a course requirement returned to utilize Success Center services in a subsequent semester, compared to 58.9% of students who first accessed a Success Center for a course that did not have a requirement.

7  Sufficient Space and funding  Sophisticated Tracking  Full-time faculty and staff  Distributed leadership  Educational philosophy  Rigorous Training  Vast Workforce  Research  Appreciation for “downstream” revenue

8  The Math Success Center reengineered an intervention for students needing to take a math course for the third time  Within the first two years, 3 rd time repetition dropped by 37%, freeing the “asset” of those seats amounting to $1.4 million over a 5 year period

9  Articulate your academic support philosophy  Fund your philosophy  Design research from the beginning  Plan to be flexible

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