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Presentation on theme: " PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 OpenPEPPOL Pre-Award Community Rome, F 2 F Meeting 4rd October e-Catalogue WG."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 OpenPEPPOL Pre-Award Community Rome, F 2 F Meeting 4rd October e-Catalogue WG

2 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Agenda The structured catalogue Use Case for e-SENS piloting Process elaboration and detailed discussion of requirements Use of e-SENS Building Blocks MS piloting intentions Work needed by the WG around and beyond e-SENS funded activities Other (WGL/CCL to define) Page 2

3 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 GENERAL OVERVIEW FOR CATALOG A catalog contains specifications of products (goods and services) along with their pricing and it can be used for standard goods and services along the entire life cycle of the contracts. A catalogue serves as a basis for ordering in the pre-and the post- award. Ideally the catalogue is a bridge between the Pre and Post Award domain from tenders to purchase. the pre-award catalogue (template) is part of the tendering documents. A pre-award catalogue template specifies products/services requested by a CA or offered by an EO. Page 3

4 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 GENERAL OVERVIEW FOR CATALOG e-Catalogues are currently being used, but based on unstructured information (Excel, product documents) and without any common guidelines in terms of underlying semantics and business rules. The new draft directive states the importance of e- Catalogues; The market can be made more efficient through standardization and reuse of prior knowledge. Page 4

5 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Classification Systems - CPV The “Common Procurement Vocabulary” (CPV) is a single classification system for public procurement. The purpose of the CPV is to make it easier for bidders to identify relevant tender notices. Bidders can find these by searching for CPV codes. The CPV is available in all the European Union’s 23 official languages (24 by July 2013). Thus, the CPV shall foster cross-border procurement since it allows bidders to identify tender notices more easily in different languages. One of the key features of the CPV is that it is a multi-lingual tool. The CPV is used in equal measure to identify cross-border procurement opportunities and domestic opportunities. Page 5

6 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974Page 6 PEPPOL ePPS Property Server The ePPS was an instantiation, based on eCL@ss, of the more general concept of an eCatalogue Content Server, ideally covering a Pan European level (taking in this case the label of PECCS). However, eCl@ss has a fee-based structure which does not make it suitable for a widespread use from the public sector. Finding a viable model for “powering” a Long-Term sustainable PECCS has been the main difficulty to overcome after PEPPOL end. The only solution in place is BBG’s one, which relies on a service bought from BBG from eCl@ss. At the end of PEPPOL, the ePPS (electronic PEPPOL Property Server) was switched off.

7 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 What needs to be considered… The difficulties met to find a viable model for the instantiation of a sustainable PECCS are basically linked to the following factors: 1. Identifying a content (i.e. a Classification system that provides the codes and names of items, and a Dictionary that provides standardized attributes and their codes) that is: a. free (eClass, GPC are not); b. matching the needs of PA purchases (eCl@ss is partially; GPC is not); c. eCatalogue suitable (CPV is not; UNSPSC is not in full, as does not include properties) d. covering all EU official languages, and not linked to any geographic areas (only CPV is); 3. finding an entity willing to bear the cost for the maintenance of the content; 4. finding an entity willing to bear the cost to host the service, and to make it really Pan- European Page 7

8 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 8 Consip Classification To manage the eProcurement initiatives (MEPA eMarketplace, Framework Contracts and Agreement, Dynamic Purchasing System, etc.) Consip developed its own classification structure for goods and services (not for works). The Consip internal classification is natively suited for eCatalogue, and has variable ‘depth’ for different sets of goods/services, according to the needs that Consip has identified from a wide set of PAs over a decade of activity. In Consip internal classification, the “lowest level” of goods/services (that we call “Metaproduct”) is based on CPV codes and descriptions. The difference with CPV lies in the breakdown into Division, Groups, Classes and Categories, that Consip chose to customize on the basis of its Category Managers’ experience

9 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974Page 9 OpenPEPPOL eCat Priorities OpenPEPPOL priority in the eCat field shall be trying to harmonize the different activities. under the umbrella of the European Commission, we promote the adoption of a “CPV 2.0”, i.e. a new classification system for the Public Sector, which is – differently from CPV and any other classification system - natively conceived to be used in e-Catalogues by a wide range of users in the Public Procurement procedures The “CPV 2.0” will be the basis on which the PECCS will guarantee semantic interoperability for eProc (also Xborder)

10 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 CPV – As Is The CPV is currently used only for the publication and identification of tender notices. The CPV 2.0 could be useful for procurement planning and controlling, and for electronic catalogues (e-catalogues). It should integrate and relate to existing international standards for classification systems in structure, data model and content. It should provide attributes and keywords/synonyms. Attributes are currently already provided to a limited extent through the supplementary vocabulary. The CPV does not yet provide keywords/synonyms. Page 10

11 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Scenarios for enhancing the CPV 1.Enhance the current CPV : this would mean revising the supplementary vocabulary thoroughly. A data model for keywords and synonyms would have to be developed. Keywords and synonyms would have to be defined for 9,454 elements of the CPV. 2.Collaborate with another classification system : other existing product classification systems already fulfill the requirements set out above, so the CPV could use the data model for keywords from a classification system which also provides a table with all keywords. 3.Allow different product classification systems to coexist : the CPV would not be integrated in e-procurement environments but would continue only as a classification system for publishing and identifying tender notices. In the latter scenario, the CPV would merely be optimised (generally fewer details, better structure in some areas (e.g. for works), etc.) Page 11

12 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 A CPV 2.0 classification System as an e- SENS Building Block The availability of a new classification system well suited for eProcurement can be considered a priority in the procurement Domain Some of the current e-SENS Building Blocks can be evolved into an agnostic terminology or classification server to be customized for the domain needs. EPSOS already has developed terminology servers. A cross classification mapping server can be developed as a standalone building block and the customization can be left to the domains. This building Block could be used also for cross-domain translation of classifications or terminologies regarding products or services; The generic mapping service could be eligible for eSENS in WP 6.2 and in order to do that we have to understand how it might work and imagine what needs of other domains might be served. Page 12

13 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 The structured catalogue Use Case for eSENS piloting Page 13

14 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 14 Greater flexibility for the buyer Greater participation of SMEs … Consip role “MARKET MAKER” “Awarding Authority “ Consip Priorities for eCatalog Framework Agreements Dynamic Purchasing System Framework Contracts MEPA - eMarketplace Higher customization Higher standardization (&demand aggreg.)

15 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 The structured catalogue Use Case for eSENS piloting To pilot Catalogue /processes/ in the Pre Award domain would provide an opportunity to go further in defining : information entities semantics business rules to be supported as common e-Procurement building blocks. Page 15

16 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Process elaboration and detailed discussion of requirements USE CASE: A CA ask for e-Catalogues covering some product or service areas (referred to by CPV 2.0) with criteria (item category, item range and so on..). A central service provider receives the eCat request and forwards that to the eCat Providers; If some matching eCAt exists the eCAT provider responds; The central service provider receives the eCAT and produces an eCAT to be submitted, with only the requested categories. The CA receives the elaborated catalogue; Use of semantic mapping/transformation services/BBs to perform the eCAT transformations… Page 16

17 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 The structured catalogue Use Case for eSENS piloting A structured catalogue use means: several levels tags that can be interpreted both by human users and machines Hence the need to have: services that give us the meaning of the tags (terminology servers) ontologies, which are "shared conceptualizations about the objects that make up a domain The structure gives the opportunity to build up a modular e-Catalogue solution The definition of a structured catalogue allows validation and improves the process automation. Page 17

18 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Process elaboration and detailed discussion of requirements Page 18

19 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Process elaboration and detailed discussion of requirements  Pilot goals The business goals for this pilot are: comply with upcoming legislation enable faster procurement award procedure (cost reduction) reduce administrative burden (cost reduction) enable better and faster evaluation of offerings (cost reduction) Allowing a large competition among suppliers by catalogues comparison (economic) Page 19

20 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Process elaboration and detailed discussion of requirements Pilot Actors Contracting Authority (CA): ‘Contracting Authorities’ means the State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law, associations formed by one or several of such authorities or one or more such bodies governed by public law. Central Service Provider: It’s expected the definition of a central body that plays the role as Service Provider, offering the dispatching service for e-Catalog, and owns the business intelligence related to definition of common Item attribute for classification in products range. Page 20

21 PEPPOL is an EU co-funded project CIP-ICT PSP-2007 No 224974 Value of Piloting Increased support both for CA and Eos: CA s can streamline the acquisition process using a structured catalogue that is something between the catalogue and a Request for Quote EO can look for opportunities with ad hoc searches and perhaps through service providers. Lowering the costs of procurement by reusing the knowledge Going towards the DPS and the structured tender documents Page 21

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