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Lecture on Chapters 9 & 10 for Quiz 5. The Americas The Americas were the last continents on earth to be inhabited by homo sapiens.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture on Chapters 9 & 10 for Quiz 5. The Americas The Americas were the last continents on earth to be inhabited by homo sapiens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture on Chapters 9 & 10 for Quiz 5

2 The Americas The Americas were the last continents on earth to be inhabited by homo sapiens.

3 The Americas Humans made it to what is now Alaska as early as 35,000 years ago or as late as 13,000 years ago. There was a land bridge connecting Alaska to Siberia. Now it is 50 miles of water called the Bering Strait.

4 The Olmecs The founding urban culture of the Americas was most likely the Olmecs. They lived in Mexico about 1000 BCE. 350,000 people living in small towns along the Gulf of Mexico.

5 The Olmecs The Olmecs played a ball game called TLACHLI

6 The Mayans The Mayans lived on the Yucatan Peninsula from 600 BCE to 800 CE.

7 The Mayans The Mayans were never a centralized empire but instead, consisted of about 60 small town states sharing a culture and an ideology.

8 The Mayans In the western hemisphere, only the Mayans developed a complete system of writing that could represent speech.

9 Teotihuacan Separate from the Mayas, a civilization arose in the city of Teotihuacan. (200 BCE to 750 CE) The basis of Teotihuacan wealth was obsidian, or volcanic glass.

10 The Mexicas / Aztecs The Mexicas, later known as the Aztecs, settled on an island in Lake Texoco in about 1325 CE.

11 The Aztecs The Aztecs’ chief god was Huitzilopochtli whose name means “hummingbird on the left”

12 The Incas The Inca were one of several groups of people in southern Peru. Around 1400 the Inca became dominant. The Incan Empire was formed by PACHACUTI, the king’s youngest son. The Incas were 100,000 people who ruled over 7 to 12 million people.

13 The Incas The Incan state (the government) functioned without a tribute of goods. Instead, it relied on a labor based revenue system in which work and service stood in place of material offerings.

14 North America In North America, only a few areas developed modest ceremonial centers. The most noted place for these was Louisiana.

15 Africa In Africa during the 3 rd or 4 th century, the Bantu people began a mass migration for unknown reasons. They moved from West Africa to central Sudan, then into eastern and southern Africa.

16 1000 CE Muslims and Byzantines called Europeans “Franks”

17 1000 CE In 1000 CE, agrarian civilizations controlled less than 15% of modern states.

18 The Black Plague The Black Plague originated in the Hopei province in northern China. From 1300 to 1400, Europe lost 25% of its people.

19 The Spread of Islam Between the years 1000 and 1500, the world of Islam INCREASED (not decreased), in size.

20 Europe’s Universities By 1500, Europe had 80 universities. All courses were taught in Latin. By 1500, European governments ALLOWED private ownership of guns and books.

21 The Mongols The Mongols came from the high plains, or steppes, of central Asia. They were nomads, constantly travelling. Their first leader was Genghis Kahn who was a brilliant commander of war. From 1210 to 1350, the Mongols controlled all of Asia from Korea to Hungary (except India). The largest continuous land empire in human history.

22 Genghis Kahn As a boy, Genghis Khan was called Temujin.

23 Mongol Era (1206-1370) Paper was known in Europe, but rarely used prior to the Mongol Era. The Mongols used a paper currency.

24 Mongol Culture Genghis Kahn and the Mongols are known for 4 things: 1. Paper Currency 2. Diplomatic Immunity 3. Free Trade 4. Religious Tolerance

25 Genghis Kahn Question: Why didn’t the Mongols conquer all of Europe? Answer: After Genghis Kahn died, it took 10 years to elect a new leader.

26 Kublai Kahn Kublai Khan was Gengis Khan’s grandson. He ruled northern China until 1294. Kublai Kahn adapted himself to Chinese ways and culture. He built a new city that would later become Beijing.

27 END



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