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City of Sausalito Sewer CIP 2015-2017 Vivian Housen, P.E. V. W. Housen & Associates March 25, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Sausalito Sewer CIP 2015-2017 Vivian Housen, P.E. V. W. Housen & Associates March 25, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Sausalito Sewer CIP 2015-2017 Vivian Housen, P.E. V. W. Housen & Associates March 25, 2015

2 City of Sausalito Sewer System 28 miles of sewer pipe 3 City-owned and SMCSD-operate pump stations Serving a population of 7,000+

3 Sewer System Performance (SSOs) Primary Causes of Sanitary Sewer Overflows Have Been Structural Defects and Roots (Through Faulty Pipe Joints) Roots 44% Structural Defects 33% Fats, Oils, and Grease 10% Debris 10% Capacity 3%

4 Capital Improvement Program OBJECTIVES Repair highest risk defects Remove Inflow and Infiltration Coordinate with other Priorities Roadway improvements ADA improvements SMCSD projects TIMELINE Bond requires completion of Phase I within three calendar years

5 Completed! Spinnaker and Anchor Pump Station Project

6 Year 1 of New CIP Focuses on Three Areas Hurricane Gulch (Urgent Sewers Project) Beach Street Sewer Rehabilitation Gate 5 Road Sewer Rehabilitation

7 Urgent Sewers Project Addresses Pipes with Severe Structural Defects Repairs Pipe and Lower Laterals on 3 rd Street, 4 th Street, Main Street, & Miller Avenue Also reviewing Main Street between Lower Crescent & 4th, which is on 2015 Paving Program Estimated Construction Cost: $600,000

8 Gate 5 Road Project Reduces Tidal Inflow and Associated SSOs Repairs Pipe and Lower Laterals on Gate 5 Road, Harbor Way, and Lower Coloma Street Solution Needs to Consider Existing Asbestos Cement Pipe and Potential Shipyard Spoils Opportunity for Coordination with Roadway Improvement Project Estimated Cost: $850,000

9 Beach Street Project Develops Plan for Partially Submerged Pipe Condition of existing pipe is not known Location within tidal zone complicates inspection and rehabilitation Permits have long lead times – start obtaining approvals now, anticipating future CIP Estimated cost TBD during preliminary design

10 Years 2 and 3 Address Critical but Less Urgent Issues Throughout System CCTV Inspection will confirm and refine project priorities Projects remove I&I and replace aging infrastructure Projects will be coordinated with future pavement replacements and ADA improvements Storm drain needs will also be reviewed Total available construction budget is approximately $5.5M over 3 years

11 The CIP Jump-Starts the City’s Asset Management Cycle Effective Asset Management: Continuous assessment Preventive maintenance Strategic action

12 City of Sausalito Sewer CIP 2015-2017

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