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Age of Mass Politics Jeopardy AP European History Stephen Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Mass Politics Jeopardy AP European History Stephen Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Mass Politics Jeopardy AP European History Stephen Smith

2 GermanyFranceGreat Britain SocialismRussiaOdds and Ends Random 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

3 The conservative upper-class party in the German Reichstag was ____________ 100

4 the Bundesrat Germany

5 German Federation had a __________ legislature called the Reichstag. 200

6 bicameral Germany

7 The Social Democratic Party (S.P.D) was ________ in its ideals and thinking. 300

8 Marxist Germany

9 This word means “struggle for civilization” 400

10 Kulturkampf Germany

11 William II became a major part of German government in this year 500

12 1888 Germany

13 Emile Zola was a _______ writer. 100

14 Realist France

15 Captain Dreyfus was accused of passing secrets to the ________ 200

16 Germans France

17 This person established secular education in France 300

18 Jules Ferry France

19 The ________ had the most power in the Third French Republic. 400

20 Chamber of Deputies France

21 This man planned a coup to overthrow the republic 500

22 Georges Boulager France

23 The Whig Party became the _______ party. 100

24 Liberal Great Britain

25 The Liberal Party was led by _________ 200

26 William Gladstone Great Britain

27 The new Reform Bill was made in ______ 300

28 1867 Great Britain

29 This group advanced a form of revisionist Marxism 400

30 Fabian Society Great Britain

31 _____________ was the writer of novels such as War of the Worlds and the Invisible Man 500

32 H.G Wells Great Britain

33 The Congress of Berlin took place in _______ 100

34 1878 Socialism

35 Nationalistic spirit came to be known as _______ 200

36 jingoism Socialism

37 The main goal of the socialist movements was to advance the cause of the ________ 300

38 Working class Socialism

39 The advocacy among the 19 th century German socialists of achieving a humane socialist society through the evolution of democratic institutions, not revolution. 400

40 Revisionism Socialism

41 Anarchy was strongest in Spain and ________ 500

42 Italy Socialism

43 Alexander III sought to ___________ 100

44 Roll back his father’s reforms Russia

45 Alexander II believed ________ had retarded Russia’s reforms 200

46 Serfdom Russia

47 The ______ were established in 1864 and were assemblies that administered local areas 300

48 Zemstvos Russia

49 Alexander II was assassinated in ______ when radical terrorists bombed his carriage 400

50 1881 Russia

51 Nicholas II became a czar in ______ 500

52 1894 Russia

53 200,000 peasants marched to the Winter Palace and over 100 were shot down by Russian guards. This event was known as __________ 100

54 Bloody Sunday Odds and Ends

55 The Paris Commune was dominated by _______ 200

56 Petty Bourgeoisie Odds and Ends

57 Women over the age of 30 gained suffrage with the ________ 300

58 Representation of the People Act Odds and Ends

59 Benjamin Disraeli was the leader of the ___________ 400

60 Conservative Party Odds and Ends

61 Bismarck sought to limit the influence of the ____________________ 500

62 Catholic Center Party Odds and Ends

63 The “Irish Question” focused on the issue of ____________ 100

64 Home Rule Random

65 Trade Unions were totally legalized in _______ 200

66 France Random

67 Garibaldi led the campaign for _______ and Southern Italy 300

68 Sicily Random

69 Conservatives represented the ________ of Russia 400

70 Junkers Random

71 __________ was the leader of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Society 500

72 Millicent Fawcett Random

73 FINAL JEOPARDY In the 1860s, Napoleon the III did all of the following:

74 Signed a free trade treaty with Britain, permitted labor unions, relax press laws, and permitted freer debate in the legislature

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