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Welcome to Mrs. Buckel’s Algebra Class!. Daily Routine Warm-up: test prep type questions Launch: Introduce today’s activity or new concepts Explore: Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Buckel’s Algebra Class!. Daily Routine Warm-up: test prep type questions Launch: Introduce today’s activity or new concepts Explore: Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Buckel’s Algebra Class!

2 Daily Routine Warm-up: test prep type questions Launch: Introduce today’s activity or new concepts Explore: Students work on activity or practice new concepts. Summary: Go over activity or practice ***Homework is submitted in a packet every two weeks along with warm-ups. ***Students are responsible for keeping all of their work in their 3-ring binder until it is time to turn in the packet. ***There is a quiz/test almost every Friday. Make ups are done in tutoring on so students don’t miss additional instruction time.

3 IB Projects There will be three IB projects during the course of the year allowing the students the opportunity to relate what they are learning in the class to the world around them. For the first project the students will be required to write a Handbook on Graphing Linear Equations. The handbook will allow the Students to demonstrate their knowledge of the coordinate plane Along with several different methods of graphing linear equations. For the second project students demonstrate their knowledge of Solving Systems of Equations by comparing different cell phone, car rental and amusement park packages. In the last project the students use their knowledge of solving Quadratic Equations to prove if 4 boys started a fire with their rocket. This project is based on the movie October Sky.

4 Academic grading policy Grades are figured cumulatively during each semester, using the following percentages. A: 90-100%B: 80-89%C: 70-79% D: 60-69%F: 59% and below

5 Homework grading policy Complete with ALL WORK SHOWN ………………………………. 5 points Missing 1 to 2 problems but shows ALL WORK …………. 3 points No work shown, incomplete, no homework, or in pen … 0 points No late homework will be accepted. *Absent work will be accepted for excused absences.

6 Point System Students control their grades. Here’s how: Through appropriate behavior, adhering to the rules, and attendance students earn 5 points per day (25 points per week). Students can help their citizenship and academic grades with good behavior. These points are 10% of the academic grade as well as the citizenship grade. In society, as well as our classroom, there are consequences for inappropriate behavior. These consequences result in a loss of points. One and two point infractions are posted in my class and on my moodle page.

7 Useful Information Sheet If you haven’t picked up the useful information sheet please do so on your way out. My Moodle page address: 1. Copy of syllabus 2. Link to California State Standards 3. IB Course Description 4. Copy of the Point Sheet Tutoring days/times listed. Helpful books, websites and videos. Contact Information

8 International Baccalaureate We aim to develop internationally- minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a more peaceful world.

9 International Baccalaureate How? IB Trained, Award-winning Teachers 100+ IB Units Variety of assessments, not just tests Balanced, Inquiry-based curriculum Visual Arts for All Language Mandarin and Spanish Centered on the Whole Child real-life application global issues concepts and skills to connect curriculum 2016 IB Evaluation

10 8th Grade Promotion Requirements Promotion and Portfolios…. IB/Portfolio Coordinator: Mrs. Sims Portfolio Presentation Day

11 PACIFIC BEACH MIDDLE SCHOOL 2013-2014 8 TH GRADE PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS 1. No F ’ s in any class 2. No U ’ s in any class 3. 20 hours of Service 4. Portfolio and Portfolio Presentation 5. No Suspensions in the last six weeks of school 6. No more than two suspensions during the 2013-2014 academic school year

12 How to make the grades: Complete all class assignments and homework Attend tutoring when needed; late busses began last week and are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Come to school everyday Be a good citizen inside and outside of the Classroom. Demonstrate the IB learner profile.

13 Service Expectations Eligibility = 20 hours minimum Document all hours Personal reflection Service Opportunities Webpage bulletin Designing and delivering inspiration to IB exam students Note: chores or house hold responsibilities are family expectations; not service to community.

14 8 th Grade CELEBRATION! What are portfolios? A Chance too… Celebrate learning Products Process (journals) Reflect Academic Personal Service Present Practice Interview Skills

15 PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS Portfolio must be in a binder (suggested) 1 inch binder Sheet protectors Tabs Lunch workshops announced in bulletin Portfolio evidence to be stored in each class Fifth period teachers mentor 8 th grd. Portfolio Design Presentation Creative Distinction “Passion Projects” will be discussed in depth at portfolio workshop

16 IB Best Works Evidence from every subject Language and Literature (English) *Mathematics Information and Society (History/Geography) Science Physical Education Visual Art (including Developmental Workbook) Design (including Design Journal) *Music, Support OR Language Acquisition (Spanish)

17 Portfolio Exhibition Day... End of May Panels include Administration/staff Teacher Community member Student Dress for success Business attire Or clean, pressed uniform

18 Thank you for attending!!!


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