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Presentation Topic Brand Audit of Nestle Pure Life.

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2 Presentation Topic Brand Audit of Nestle Pure Life

3 Areas We Will Cover Introduction History Logo History
Major Competitors Mission & Vision Statement Objectives NPL Elements Brand Attributes Marketing Mix

4 Areas We Will Cover Brand Portfolio Mental Map Sources of Brand Equity
PoPs and PoDs Swot Analysis CBBE Pyramid Counterfeiting: Threat to equity Suggestion & Recommendations

5 Introduction Founded Founder Headquarter Countries Factories Employees
Annual Turnover Operations in Pakistan Factories in Pakistan Nestle Pure Life in Pakistan

6 History In the 1880s 1n 1874 Jules Monnerat and jointly they launched the condensed milk In the 1920s, the company saw the first expansions into the new products with chocolate World War I & II In 1947 merger was done with Magi Seasoning and soups, in 1950 with Crosse & Blackwell, in 1963 with Findus, in 1971 with Libby’s and in with Stouffer. In the 1980s New round of acquisitions and Services in Pakistan In the 1990s acquisitions with San Pellegrino, Spillers Pet foods and Ralston Purina were made. In the 20th Century

7 Major Competitors Engro Foods Haleeb Foods Shezan Pepsi

8 Brand Portfolio

9 Objectives To achieve compatibility To build mutual trust
To ensure continuous improvement Conservation of natural resources Total compliance with the laws. To establish the benchmark Employing new technologies and processing Measuring the cost and benefits

10 Sana Rauf Roll # 35

11 Mission Statement “Nestle is dedicated to providing the best foods to people throughout their day, throughout their lives, throughout the world. With our unique experience of anticipating consumers' needs and creating solutions, Nestle contributes to your well-being and enhances your quality of life.”

12 Vision Statement “To be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen preferred employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products”.

13 Logo History of Nestle

14 In1868

15 In 1875

16 In 1938

17 In 1966

18 In 1988

19 Brand Elements

20 Logo

21 Name Nestle named its bottled water “Nestle Pure Life”. Name of nestle brand provides an promise to its consumer that it is safe to consume.

22 Colour Pure life brand light blue colour gives the cool image. Colour theme is sky blue, white and dark blue are merging in each other.

23 Slogan JIYO! Kay yahi hay Zindagi.

24 Tagline “Drink well, live well”

25 Character Three family members. ”a hydration family”

26 Qurat ul Ain Ayaz Roll # 29

27 Brand Attributes Affordability Healthy water Great taste Convenient
Good value of product High Quality Pure water. Safe water

28 Positioning Strategy Position nestle water as a safe & healthy water for the entire family Name Quality Bottle design

29 Price strategy Non-price competition Single price of NPL
Trade discounts to its distributors

30 Distribution strategy
distribution of NPL is as follows: Producer  Wholesaler  Retailer Consumer

31 Sidra Ashraf Roll # 37

32 Mental Map

33 Sources of Brand Equity
Elements of Brand Equity are Brand Loyalty Brand Awareness Perceived Quality Brand Association (Premium Price)

34 PoPs and PoDs Points of Parity Points of Difference Basic Values
Fulfilling the thirst need of the customer Points of Difference Different from its competitors Quality, Purity, Taste and Freshness

35 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Maintaining its taste and quality
Economical Pure Water Strong Brand Name Weaknesses Communication is weak Lack of Awareness

36 SWOT Analysis Opportunities Threat
Concentrating on key areas can increase sales Increase in product line Threat Uncertain Conditions Segments Under Cutting

37 Muhammad Adeel Tariq Roll # 15

38 Customer Based Brand Equity Pyramid

39 Counterfeiting: Threat to equity
NPL not facing counterfeit issues at widespread level but at public places, It has extensive resources to fight these issues. Anti-counterfeit measures by NPL are: Excessive awareness. Packaging by protective covers. Special “P.E.C” bottles with hygiene quality. Engraved writing. Glimpse of blue color. Bottle labeling.

40 Akasha Shafiq Roll # 02

41 Suggestions and Recommendations
Keep the price low Conduct survey Availability Distribution Network Increase loyalty of customer with brand through attractive packages Diversify product portfolio Incentive To Retailer

42 Suggestions and Recommendations
Keep the taste pleasant Role And Responsibility Increase advertising & show your competitive edge Sponsoring events Broadening its target market



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