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Pick up a copy of this EVERYDAY! Visit the Guardian Online EVERYDAY – The exam board recommends this so you can keep a log/diary of changes to the technological.

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Presentation on theme: "Pick up a copy of this EVERYDAY! Visit the Guardian Online EVERYDAY – The exam board recommends this so you can keep a log/diary of changes to the technological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pick up a copy of this EVERYDAY! Visit the Guardian Online EVERYDAY – The exam board recommends this so you can keep a log/diary of changes to the technological landscape within the Media. FURTHER READING AND STAYING CONTEMPORARY!

2 Homework: 1)FINISH your Individual Case Study research 2)Produce a “Media Log Book” that summarises the events of Technology changes/advances from Monday 22 nd – Monday 29 th April – Visit the guardian online. 3)REVISE! Due: Today

3 Media in the Online Age - Popular Print and Broadcast Press: Backlash & Adaptation to New Media Technologies – L16 Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media Wednesday 1 st May 2013

4 Why? Aims & Objectives AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and with accurate and coherent written expression. Re-cap prior learning of theory/key terms. Introduce some new ideas and approaches to critically understanding the changes to the Popular Press. Establish the new role we have in consuming Print news – or is it still Print news? Review the learning.

5 WHAT DO YOU ALREADY KNOW? Analogue Definition: “The ‘old’ ways in which media has been distributed in the past – e.g through television, film, radio etc.” How can I apply this is in the exam? - Discuss who social networking has changed the media landscape from traditional products like this to converging technology like You tube and social networking access through mobile phone technology.

6 WHAT DO YOU ALREADY KNOW? Jackie Cosh – “Social Networking has become an es_______ part of the contemporary working World” (The Times – 2 nd April 200 _) sential 8

7 Who is Dave Winer? YOU MUST visit the website above and/or search the net to establish who this man is and the impact he has had on media in the online age. Record your findings in your exercise book.

8 Dave Winer (1994) - "Once the users take control, they never give it back.” Do you agree? YOU MUST give some examples of media products that are popular (Go on to Social to research statistics if needs be) that agree with this statement. YOU SHOULD include some other key terms/theory in your answer such as Prosumer, Gatekeeper, “Citizen Journalism” (Gillmor – 2008)

9 YOU MUST visit this website/research this media product and answer the following questions in your exercise books: What is it and what does it offer it’s consumers? Clue:Bloggingand Darcy DiNucci (1999) What is it also an example of and how does it conform to Winer‘s (1994) ideology? Clue:Dan Gillmor (2004) Who is the product in synergy with and what other ideology does it conform to? Clue:Tapscott & Williams (2006) and Social media


11 Dan Gillmor (2004) Gillmor (2004) has describe how we now live in an age of "Citizen Journalism" and as a result we are now the "former audience" YOU MUST find as many examples of features/capabilities (write them down) within the Mail Online that conforms to this ideology and establish the appeal of offering such a service to the consumers and the Institution.


13 Gillmor (2004) “Citizen Journalism” YOU MUST research and make notes on an example of Gillmor (2004) “Citizen Journalism” of your own.

14 What about other institutions? Media Imperialism – How smaller media products have emerged as a result of the online media landscape democratizing media regulation (control and dominance of "Global Trailblazers" - Blau - 2005 is now changing shape) Have they embraced this change? YOU SHOULD Look at Sky News/Fox News/The Sun for examples across News Corporations network of media products to see IF they have embraced new media much like other Gatekeepers such as The Daily Mail. YOU MUST write down any examples that you find. Media Imperialism and other helpful resources about new media


16 Are Print media always this embracing of new media technologies? Facebook has made the startling admission that teenagers are becoming bored with the social networking giant. Facing competition from younger, more agile and 'cooler' apps such as Snapchat and Instagram, Facebook fears its long-term business could be harmed. And as Facebook approaches its tenth anniversary the firm published its annual 10-K report last month revealing that its younger users are increasingly turning away from the multi-billion dollar business. 3 rd March 2013 –James Nye Increasingly turning away – Is this true? 'In the event that our users increasingly engage with other products and services, we may experience a decline in user engagement and our business could be harmed.’ Sensationalism? Moral Panic?

17 What about other institutions? Media Imperialism – How smaller media products have emerged as a result of the online media landscape democratizing media regulation (control and dominance of "Global Trailblazers" - Blau - 2005 is now changing shape) Have they embraced this change? YOU SHOULD Look at Sky News/Fox News/The Sun for examples across News Corporations network of media products to see IF they have embraced new media much like other Gatekeepers such as The Daily Mail.

18 Ruth Barnett – Sky News Social Media Correspondent Watch the video clip and make notes on Barnett’s role at Sky News and how she utilizes social media to present news content as a form of Convergence. Ruth Barnett Video


20 "Winners and Losers" (Bauman - 1998) Winners - Has online prosumer content grown in popularity? Losers - Have traditional Gatekeepers suffered as a consequence OR are they embracing this constant change? WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT TODAY?

21 January 2011 Paper Question 8 - Plan and complete YOU MUST mind map how you would answer this question based on the case study material we have covered today and over the last few lessons. Once you have completed the task, YOU MUST answer the question and finish it for homework.


23 Homework: 1)Complete Grid from last week that cover the key areas 2) Revision Friday 3) Complete Question 8 from the January 2011 Paper Due: Friday 3 rd May – Period 3

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