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Published byJasper Shepherd Modified over 8 years ago
World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM Joint GDWG-GRWG meeting, Daejeon, Rep. South-Korea, 22-25 March 2011 Outcome of the GSICS Executive Panel in 2010 8 th and 9 th sessions Jérôme Lafeuille WMO Space Programme, Geneva Secretary of the GSICS Executive Panel
WMO OMM Two Executive Panel meetings in 2010 EP-8, 29-30 April (main meeting) EP-9, 12 November (very short progress meeting, on the occasion of CGMS in New Delhi) All reports are on (meeting reports) also accessible from
WMO OMM Highlights New GSICS membership Defined « high-level priority actions » Review of individual actions –Outstanding actions –New actions, some of them for GRWG-GDWG Next meeting: 6-8 June in Geneva
WMO OMM New Members: GSICS is expanding ! ISRO –pocs to be nominated –Report on INSAT calibration: prepare use of GSICS method for INSAT JAXA –GRWG: Keiji IMAOKA, Hiroshi MURAKAMI and Misako KACHI –GDWG: Kazuo UMEZAWA –Executive Panel: Tamotsu IGARASHI and Kazuo UMEZAWA USGS –Gyanesh Chander + … IMD –EP: A.K. Sharma, –GRWG: A.K. Mitra –GDWG: R.K. Giri Roshydromet –EP: Alexander Uspensky –GRWG: Alexei Rubley –GDWG: Sergei Uspensky ESA as observer (+ invite ESA/NASA to report on DMITRI at GRWG)
WMO OMM Space-based Global Observing System Schematic
WMO OMM High-level priority actions Deliver GSICS operational products –GSICS correction for IR, VIS, MW Consolidate infrastructure and methodology –Technical guides: pre-launch calibration, uncertainty estimation –Monitoring reports, reference instrumnents traceability –Calibration site database –GSICS data servers and data management (formats, metadata…) –Web format for GSICS products Enhance user interaction –GSICS Workshop –Web user interface –Publications and conferences Expand GSICS Membership and partnership
WMO OMM Methodology and infrastructure Reviewed/endorsed the product acceptance procedure (GPPA) Welcomed progress with SADE database –on-going beta-testing and future operational access Noted AIRS/IASI traceability report planned for GRWG Noted on-going guide on uncertainty estimation –NIST input, EUMETSAT Technical Note, (GSICS publication to come ?) Noted forthcoming discussion on « common reference channels » Welcomed progress on data management Welcomed progress on data servers Looked forward to final unified web template for operational GSICS products
WMO OMM GSICS operational production Infrared –EP welcomed progress, encouraged to complete acceptance GL 01.1.0 (EUMETSAT SEVIRI&IASI IR Correction) GL 02.1.0 (MTSAT&IASI/AIRS IR Correction) GL 03.1.0 (NOAA GOES&IASI/AIRS IR Correction) LL 01.1.0 (PATMOS-x) – Extend to all GEOs (FY-2, INSAT, COMS) –To review/adopt methodology for LEO-LEO –To review/adopt methodology for heritage instruments Visible –GRWG encouraged to pursue current approach MW –Work towards joint procedures with GPM X-CAL joint
CSS GPRC GSICS Executive Panel GRWGGDWG GCC CSS GPRC Calibration Support Segments Coordinatio n Center Regional Processing Research Centers at Satellite Agencies GPM affiliation with GSICS Research working group - Consensus algorithms Data working group - Formats, Servers GPM X-Cal Working Group Precipitation Processing System at Goddard GPM X-cal: Plan to sustain X-cal in future Similar Structure to GSICS Interested in using GSICS product acceptance procedure
WMO OMM User interaction and information Re-iterated wish for some kind of user registration to facilitate user interaction: request for contact information Congratulated for GSICS workshop and requested to take appropriate actions on users’ feedback from 2 nd workshop Discussed possible GSICS factsheet WMO-BIPM workshop on “Measurement Challenges for Global Observation Systems for Climate Change Monitoring” (WMO/TD- No. 1557). Some hard copies here
WMO OMM Outstanding actions (1) Action EP-3.6: GCC (F. Weng) will prepare a presentation on absolute calibration for MW channels at GRWG-5. 03/2011 Action EP-6.1: GRWG to define what should be the key factors that need to be displayed in the GSICS Instrument Monitoring web sites. 12/2010 Action EP-6.5: GRWG to consider the possible recommendations to GRUAN regarding coordinated radio-sondes and satellite observations (report to AOPC expected from NOAA/ Tony Reale) and report to Executive Panel members. 03/2011 Action EP-6.15: R. Iacovazzi and J. Lafeuille to finalize the updated operations plan for publication on the GSICS web site. 09/2010 Action EP7-8: M. Goldberg to work with ISCCP to define the specifications of GSICS products, based on GSICS correction, to be used in ISCCP for comparative evaluation with the current ISCCP inter- calibration schemes, and to define practical modalities for such a test. 05/2010
WMO OMM Outstanding actions (2) Action EP-8.1: WMO, GCC, all, to update GSICS web sites, presentation slides, fact sheets, to include reference to all Members, observers and partners 06/2011 Action EP-8.2: JMA, in consultation with GCC, to develop a prototype of a unified web page to display GSICS GEO-LEO IR results, along the lines of the sketch discussed among GRWG/GDWG. 12/2010 Action EP-8.3: JAXA to present an overview on its calibration activities and plans at an Executive Panel session. 06/2011 Action EP-8.4: JAXA and CNES to report at EP-10 on GOSAT-IASI inter-calibration 06/2011 Action EP-8.10: WMO (J. Lafeuille) to circulate a draft revised documentation plan with more detailed contents of each document, as a prerequisite for developing these documents. 06/2011 Action EP-8.12: NIST (R. Datla) to develop a draft vocabulary, as part of a future guide on uncertainty for GSICS. 06/2011
WMO OMM Actions of relevance to GDWG-GRWG Action EP-8.14: ISRO, JAXA to consider nominating points of contacts for GRWG and GDWG in advance of the next sessions of these working groups. 12/2010 Action EP-8.15: The Chairman (M. Goldberg) and Secretariat (J. Lafeuille) to set-up a bi-monthly Executive Panel teleconference. 01/2011
WMO OMM New Actions from GSICS EP (1) Action EP-9.1: ISRO and the GCC to coordinate for the implementation of GEO-to-LEO algorithms by ISRO. 06/2011 Action EP-9.2: M. Goldberg will correspond with A. Hou (NASA) and propose a way forward for developing joint procedures among GSICS and GPM X-Cal when relevant. 06/2011 Action EP-9.3: GDWG to implement a systematic request for user contact information on the GSICS web sites. 06/2011 Action EP-9.4: GRWG and GDWG to review the recommendations from the Second GSICS Users Workshop and address them as appropriate 03/2011 Action EP-9.5: WMO to discuss with EUMETSAT the possibility of adapting the EUMETSAT/GSICS fact sheet to create a “GSICS fact sheet, taking due account of EUMETSAT copyright. 06/2011
WMO OMM New Actions from GSICS EP (2) Action EP-9.6: GCC to investigate the consistency of sensor SRF information among the GCC and the WGCV websites and inform WGCV with a view to establish web links if appropriate 06/2011 Action EP-9.7: GRWG Chair to invite USGS to report on relevance of GSICS for terrestrial applications of Landsat data at GRWG Done Action EP 9.8: WMO to send a letter to the Director General of IMD inviting IMD to join GSICS. Done Action EP-9.9: GRWG Chair to invite Marc Bouvet (ESA/ESTEC) and Jack Xiong (NASA/GSFC) to present DMITRI and MODIS calibration at GRWG Done Action EP-9.10: M. Goldberg to invite SCOPE-CM to issue a Statement of Needs describing the deliverables expected from GSICS. 06/2011
WMO OMM Conclusions GSICS now involves all operators of operational meteorological/climate satellites Successful collaboration => valuable developments GSICS need to deliver ! –Complete operational acceptance –Finalize web product template –Data description for WIS catalogues Respond to user needs
WMO OMM Thank you
WMO OMM GSICS EP-9 agenda 1. Opening of the session Introduction and welcome Adoption of the agenda 2. GSICS Correction for Current Infrared Channels Status of validation and acceptance of the GEO-to-LEO correction product (GCC)Status of methodology review for LEO-to-LEO GSICS correction (GRWG)Report on JAXA calibration plans (Action 8.4) (JAXA)Report by ISRO (Action 8.5 and 8.6) (ISRO) 3. GSICS corrections for heritage instruments Status of methodology review for LEO-to-LEO heritage instruments (GRWG) 4. GSICS Correction for Visible Channels Status of scientific activities on Visible channel (GRWG) 5. Microwave activities - Status of collaboration with GPM X-Cal towards joint procedures (NOAA) 6. Consolidation of Infrastructure and General Methodology - Commissioning of export of the CNES SADE database (CNES) - IASI/AIRS traceability report (CNES)- Guide for Estimation of Uncertainty in GSICS intercomparisons (NIST)- Unified web monitoring system for GSICS GEO- to-LEO Infrared Correction (JMA)- Status of ideas on user registration system (GDWG) 7. Enhancing Interaction with Users - Status of feedback from beta users- Outcome of second GSICS Users’ Workshop (T. Hewison, F. Wu)- Status of communication actions (conferences, publications, web, factsheets) 8. Expanding Membership and Partnerships - Contacts with Roshydromet, ESA and USGS- Collaboration with CEOS WGCV- On-going collaboration with SCOPE-CM (M. Goldberg ) 9. Overall work plan - Updated work plan (GCC)- Status of actions (J. Lafeuille) 10. Any other business 11. Date and place of next GSICS meetings - Next GRDG-GRWG meeting- Next Executive Panel meeting
GSICS Outcome Coordinated international intersatellite calibration program: Exchange of critical datasets for cal/val Best practices/requirements for observing system performance monitoring Best practices/requirements for prelaunch characterization (with CEOS WGCV) Best practices/requirements for ground cal/val (with CEOS WGCV) Advocacy and requirements for space-based benchmark systems Quarterly (?) reports of observing system performance and recommended solutions Routine operational correction products Improved sensor characterization High quality radiances for NWP & Climate
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