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Student Achievement Data Display Mathematics, Reading & Writing Grade 4 Revised: October 30, 2009 Official WASL Results AYP Status.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Achievement Data Display Mathematics, Reading & Writing Grade 4 Revised: October 30, 2009 Official WASL Results AYP Status."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Achievement Data Display Mathematics, Reading & Writing Grade 4 Revised: October 30, 2009 Official WASL Results AYP Status

2 2 WASL Mathematics: 2005-2009 Grade 4

3 3 Grade 4 WASL: Mathematics Performance

4 4

5 5 Adequate Yearly Progress: Annual Targets for Grade 4 Math

6 6 Grade 4 WASL-Mathematics: Adequate Yearly Progress Goals

7 7 Grade 4 WASL Mathematics: Proficiency Level Trends

8 8 Grade 4 Content: Comparison of School to State

9 9 Grade 4 Processes: Comparison of School to State

10 10 Grade 4 Number Sense: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

11 11 Grade 4 Measurement: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

12 12 Grade 4 Geometric Sense: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

13 13 Grade 4 Probability & Statistics: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

14 14 Grade 4 Algebraic Sense: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

15 15 Grade 4 Solves Problems/Reasons Logically: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

16 16 Grade 4 Communicates Understanding: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

17 17 Grade 4 Make Connections: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

18 18 WASL Reading: 2005-2009 Grade 4

19 19 Grade 4 WASL Reading Performance

20 20 Grade 4 WASL Reading Performance

21 21 Adequate Yearly Progress: Annual Targets for Grade 4 Reading

22 22 Grade 4 WASL-Reading: Adequate Yearly Progress Goals

23 23 Grade 4 WASL Reading Proficiency Level Trends

24 24 Grade 4 Comprehension: Comparison of School to State

25 25 Grade 4 Analysis: Comparison of School to State

26 26 Grade 4 Comprehension of Literary Text: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

27 27 Grade 4 Literary Analysis with Thinking Critically: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

28 28 Grade 4 Informational Comprehension: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

29 29 Grade 4 Analysis with Thinking Critically: Comparison of School to State 2005-2008

30 30 WASL Writing: 2005-2009 Grade 4

31 31 Grade 4 WASL Writing Performance

32 32 Grade 4 WASL Writing Performance

33 33 Grade 4 WASL Writing: Proficiency Level Trends

34 34 Grade 4 Content, Organization, and Style: Comparison of School to State 2005-2009

35 35 Grade 4 Conventions (CON): Comparison of School to State 2005-2009

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