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STUDYGUIDE 3 COLONIAL SOUTH CAROLINA. TERMS Stono Rebellion was the largest colonial slave revolt in S.C. and the U.S. It occurred near Charles Town Slave.

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2 TERMS Stono Rebellion was the largest colonial slave revolt in S.C. and the U.S. It occurred near Charles Town Slave Codes Laws passed after Stono that limited the freedoms of slaves and… Low Country Region near the coast. Growing cash crops made it wealthy. Charles town and the Assembly were located here. Up Country was the northern region of SC in which subsistence farming was a way of life.

3 TERMS Regulators were vigilante groups that tried to regulate the crime in the backcountry due to lack of law. Seven Years War was a worldwide conflict between Britain and France in the 1750s. French and Indian War was a conflict between Britain and France over the Ohio River Valley and the beaver fur trade in the 1750s

4 TERMS Cherokee War was a conflict between the British settlers and the Cherokee in South Carolina (part of the French and Indian War) Embargo to stop trade with, enforced by Britain on the Cherokee Sugar Act was the 1 st Act passed to help pay for the war debt by putting taxes on sugar, molasses, and British imports.

5 TERMS Stamp Act Direct tax placed on paper items. Colonists formed the Sons and Daughters of Liberty when it took effect. Sons of Liberty were groups of men who used violence to protest the British taxes. Daughters of Liberty were groups of women who encouraged boycotts and colonists to make their own goods. Townshend Duties British taxes that replaced the Stamp Act. It taxed paint, lead, glass, paper, and tea.

6 TERMS Tea Act Taxed tea and gave the East India Tea Company the monopoly on the colonial tea trade. Intolerable Acts Laws passed to punish Boston for the Tea party. It closed Boston harbor and put Mass. under military rule. General Committee Group of 99 men from the Low Country and Up Country that served as S.C. interim government from 1774-1776.

7 TERMS Ist Continental Congress Meeting in Philadelphia of representatives from the colonies to decide what to do about the British problems. They decided to work out the problems, but prepare for war. Henry Middleton Representative from S.C. who served as President of the 1 st Continental Congress.

8 TERMS Lexington and Concord Battles between British soldiers and Massachusetts minutemen outside of Boston. Lexington was the first battle of the American Revolution. 2 nd Continental Congress Meeting in Philadelphia of colonial representatives. The Declaration of Independence was adopted at this meeting. Declaration of Independence– document that listed the abuses of British rule, defined the colonists’ rights, and announced that the colonies were free and independent.

9 PART B 1. Slavery affect the Population of SC Africans became the major population, especially in the Low Country. 2. Effects of the Stono Rebellion Slave Codes were passed to limit the freedom of slaves but also to ensure that owners were treating their slaves better. Examples: No education for slaves, slaves could not assemble together. 3. British Board of Trade made SC wealthier allowed direct trade of rice, and naval stores and indigo received subsidies.

10 PART B 4. Need for a Colonial Representative Govern. The British Parliament was too far away – in England and didn’t understand problems here. 5. Region in control of SC Legislature The Low Country had a great majority in the SC Legislature—the Up Country was unhappy about this. 6.Purpose of Townships Townships were created to attract more white settlers into the Up Country to help protect against Indian attack and slave revolts

11 PART B 7. Stopping the Regulator Movement S.C. Assembly passed the Circuit Court Act. It set up jails and provided sheriffs for the Up Country. 8. The Cause of the French and Indian War Britain and France were fighting for control of the valuable fur trade in the Ohio River Valley. 9. Effect of the French and Indian War in SC The tension helped cause the Cherokee War…S.C. indigo exports increased because Spain cut off supplies to Britain.

12 PART B 10. Reaction to the Stamp Act Colonists used boycotts and formed the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty used violence against Tax Collectors. The Daughters of Liberty encouraged colonists to boycott and make their own products. 11. Reaction to the Tea Act Boycotted British tea and colonists had Tea Parties in Charles Town S.C., and Georgetown, S.C.

13 PART B 12. S.C. Signers of the Declaration All were wealthy men from the Low Country. They were Arthur Middleton, Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr. and Thomas Lynch, Jr. 13. Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina & The Declaration of Independence Both documents embody many of the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke. 14. Main Idea of the Declaration The Declaration details the rights of all men, how the King violated those rights, and announced that the colonies were free and independent.

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