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Target Implementation Plan Text Here Intervention C4L data MTSS Push In-Pull Out Scheduling 4 th Grade Writing Tutoring Curricula and Assessments District.

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3 Target Implementation Plan Text Here Intervention C4L data MTSS Push In-Pull Out Scheduling 4 th Grade Writing Tutoring Curricula and Assessments District Learning Guides C4L Data Retreats Core Commitments Effective Classroom Strategies ACES Differentiation Student Engagement Staff Development

4 Quality Teaching and Learning Looking at support under one umbrella Title One Support Staff and Special Education Support Staff work together to create a school-wide schedule that meets the needs of Lincoln Heights Students. This team approach and intentional scheduling is a very effective way to meet the needs of each student.

5 Target Implementation Plan Text Here Community Relationships Partnerships PTO Adopt A School -YMCA Family Nights Foster Grandparents SHS Student Senate Tutoring Interventions and Student Supports School Counselor RTI –MTSS OT PT Speech Language Support Diversity and Respect Before/After School Clubs Family Nights Lion Pride - PBS

6 Strong relationships and equitable schools Family nights at Lincoln heights are Scheduled to build relationships Between home And school. Adopt a school Ymca Back to school family fun night at trails west After school club for students in grades 2-3-4-5

7 Target Implementation Plan Text Here Student SafetySafe Schools Effective Systems SRPSRP Building Budget DrillsThreat Assessments Facilities PBSSuicide Assessments Maintenance Second StepBuilding Assessments Advanced Ed The Energy BusSafety Drills

8 Safety, efficiency and effectiveness THE ENERGY BUS FOR KIDS By Jon Gordon Five Rules for the Ride Of Your Life 1.Create a Positive Vision 2.Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy 3.No Bullies Allowed 4.Love Your Passengers 5.Enjoy The Ride

9 Text Here

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