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World War II European Campaign END-OF-COURSE REVIEW.

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1 World War II European Campaign END-OF-COURSE REVIEW

2 US DECLARES WAR  DECEMBER 11, 1941  After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler and his Axis partners declare war on the US. The United States responds quickly by declaring war on Germany and the Axis power. The United States begins to stregthen their military and mass production of weapons and ammo begins.

3 Troops arrive in French North Africa 8 Nov 1942  Against Soviet wishes, the British and US planners felt it would be best to open up a Southern Front in the soft underbelly of the Axis powers through the Mediterranean.

4 Defeat at the hands of Nazi Field Marshall Erwin Rommel at the Battle of Kasserine Pass lead to U.S. military leadership reorganization and assumption of command for General George S. Patton “Ol’ Blood and Guts”

5 Italy is Liberated  On June 4, 1944, Allied forces finally liberate Rome and take control of Italy. Although the Italian troops stopped fighting, German troops continued to fight. Nazi troops continued to hold Northern Italy until the end of World War II.

6 (All Asian) 442 nd Combat Team  The most highly decorated U.S. fighting unit of the European Campaign

7 TUSKEGEE AIRMEN  popular name of a group of African- American military pilots (fighter and bomber) who fought in World War II. Officially, they formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Forces.

8 D-Day - Battle of Normandy 6 Jun 1944  "Operation Overlord" is executed. American, British, and Canadian forces land on the beaches of Normandy. 156,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches. Along with the assault of the beaches, paratroopers were airdropped behind the German defenses. Allied forces successfully took control of the beaches and established a western front on Germany.

9 Battle of the Bulge 16 Dec 1944  Germany executes a counter- attack in the Ardennes forests, almost retaking Belgium. This attack took the Allied defenses by surprise and a "bulge" was created in the Allied defensive line. However, with Allied reinforces, the counter-attack was repelled and the Germans were forced to retreat.

10 Crossing the Rhine 7 Mar 1945  US troops were able to capture a bridge that crossed the Rhine River at Remagen. This allowed Allied troops a direct access to the center of Germany. With the Russian forces pushing into Germany from the East, the war would soon be over. Many concentration camps were liberated by both the Russians and the Americans.

11 Battle of Stalingrad  This battle stopped the German advance into the Sovet Union and marked the turning of the tide of war in favor of the Allies. It was one of the bloodiest battles in history

12 Concentration Camp Liberations


14 V-E Day  Celebrated on 8 May 1945 to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.

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