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Español I Señora Berndt

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1 Español I Señora Berndt
Cognados - Cognates

2 Cognados - Cognates There are some Spanish words that when you see them, you know (or think you know what they mean. They may be spelled exactly a like – or similar to – an English word. An example would be “hotel”. Such words are called Cognates Cognates are our Friends. Although cognates may be spelled like our words, they are not pronounced the same.

3 Ejemplos normal animal metal final general hospital natural actor
doctor color favor garage horrible terrible probable ángel

4 Mas ejemplos imposible absolutamente excelente completamente
importante clase fantástico eléctrico matemáticas universidad absolutamente completamente dentista artista nervioso necesario primario secundario

5 ¡Cuidado! - Beware There are words which look like English words but are actually what are called “False Cognates” or “false friends” False cognates are NOT our friends. Look at the following words: pie pan meter quince If they are English words, we know what they mean. If they are in Spanish – do we?

6 The real meaning Pie = foot, not pie Pan = bread, not pan Meter = to put or to place, not meter Quince = fifteen, not quince Let’s look at some more words

7 What do you think these words mean?
hay sin once leer saber sopa embarazada

8 They are False Friends hay – there is, there are sin - without once - eleven leer – to read saber – to know sopa – soup embarazada - pregnant

9 You can read Spanish! You may not know it, but if I tell you that EL = the and HAY = there is or there are you can read a whole paragraph in Spanish. Let’s try it.

10 You can read Spanish! El elefante es un animal inteligente. Hay muchos elefantes en África. El camello es un animal enorme. Hay camellos en el desierto. El tigre es un animal feroz. El león es otro animal feroz. Hay muchos animales feroces en el circo.

11 OR Remains Identical el doctor el actor el tractor interior el color
el profesor el favor el conductor el error el inventor OR Remains Identical

12 Some words that end in “CAL” in English end in “CO” in Spanish.
el animal central local personal el criminal el canal comercial legal musical natural rural social AL Remains Identical Some words that end in “CAL” in English end in “CO” in Spanish. Logical = lógico Typical = típico

13 BLE Remains Identical el cable notable terrible posible flexible
probable honorable noble horrible inevitable BLE Remains Identical

IC = ICO el atlántico el publico romántico democrático artístico elástico eléctrico automático ADD THE LETTER “O” TO WORDS THAT END IN “IC”

15 Add the letter “e” to words that end in “ent” or “ant” in English
el presidente el accidente el cliente excelente importante diferente conveniente el elefante inteligente ENT =ENTE ANT=ANTE Add the letter “e” to words that end in “ent” or “ant” in English

16 IST = ISTA el pianista el violinista el dentista un artista
un novelista un optimista el comunista el capitalista IST = ISTA You can convert many English words that end in “ist” into Spanish by adding “a” to them.

17 OUS = OSO famoso curioso delicioso generoso glorioso ambicioso
religioso OUS = OSO English words that end in “ous” into Spanish by changing the “ous” to “OSO”

18 In general words which in in “ION” en English end in “ión” in Spanish
corrección instrucción construcción convención la invitación la conversación la nación la acción la discusión la introducción la petición la opinión TION = CIÓN SION = SIÓN In general words which in in “ION” en English end in “ión” in Spanish

19 In general words which end in “ty” in English end in “dad” in Spanish
la capacidad la dignidad la personalidad la electricidad la curiosidad la comunidad la humanidad la publicidad TY-= DAD In general words which end in “ty” in English end in “dad” in Spanish

20 In general words which end in “ty” in English end in “dad” in Spanish
la capacidad la dignidad la personalidad la electricidad la curiosidad la comunidad la humanidad la publicidad TY= DAD In general words which end in “ty” in English end in “dad” in Spanish

21 In general words which end in “ry” in English end in “rio” in Spanish
el canario aniversario contrario necesario literario diccionario imaginario involuntario itinerario extraordinario RY to RIO In general words which end in “ry” in English end in “rio” in Spanish

22 EM = EMA AM = AMA el programa el telegrama el cablegrama el problema
el poema el sistema EM = EMA AM = AMA In general words which end in “em or ema” in English end in “ema or ama” in Spanish

23 In general words which end in “ce” in English end in “cia” in Spanish
la distancia la conveniencia la experiencia la importancia la justicia Francia Alicia CE = CIA In general words which end in “ce” in English end in “cia” in Spanish

24 In general words which end in “cy” in English end in “cia” in Spanish
la emergencia la tendencia la urgencia la diplomacia la democracia CY = CIA In general words which end in “cy” in English end in “cia” in Spanish

25 In general words which end in “INE” in English end in “INA” in Spanish
la sardina la gasolina la medicina la penicilina la doctrina la aspirina la vitamina IN OR INE = INA In general words which end in “INE” in English end in “INA” in Spanish

26 In general words which end in “IVE” in English end in “IVO” in Spanish
activo el explosivo el creativo el ofensivo el defectivo el abusivo el adjectivo el motivo IVE = IVO In general words which end in “IVE” in English end in “IVO” in Spanish

27 EL FIN Practica Palabras

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