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Course Schedule and Workload Planning Process. Foster dialogue and gather feedback Review process for 2014 Provide resources to assist in schedule and.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Schedule and Workload Planning Process. Foster dialogue and gather feedback Review process for 2014 Provide resources to assist in schedule and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Schedule and Workload Planning Process

2 Foster dialogue and gather feedback Review process for 2014 Provide resources to assist in schedule and workload development Establish a clear and consistent process with improved efficiency, effectiveness and accuracy for all involved Workshop Purpose & Agenda

3 Responses to Feedback/Concerns Timeline/Deadlines Workflow Annual Adjunct Budget Planning Resources Process Review

4 Entirely electronic process Updated “overview” and matching formatting in initial and subsequent rounds of editing Any previous term data available upon request Deans involved throughout the planning process Workload and salary audits incorporated with schedule audits during planning process 2014 Process – Responses to Feedback/Concerns

5 Spring & Summer planning combined to alleviate deadline overlap Registrar’s Office holding workshops to review process, offer resources and gather feedback Improved communication from Registrar’s Office to Chairs, Deans and Secretaries throughout the planning process Informer report available to review real time course schedule details for any school, department, subject or course 2014 Process – Responses to Feedback/Concerns

6 2014 Timeline

7 2013 Process Workflow

8 1)Overview Instructions 2)Release Time Codes 3)SCH & TCH Data 4)Time Block Totals 5)Course Schedule, Workload & Salary Review Format 6)Informer Review Resources

9 Questions & Comments

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