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Quiz #1-6 come from “La Relacion”.

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1 Quiz #1-6 come from “La Relacion”

2 1. How do Caeza de Vaca and his men reach the island
1. How do Caeza de Vaca and his men reach the island? (Did they willingly go there or did something force them in that direction?)

3 2. Why might their landing on the island seem like a miracle to them?

4 3. Why do the Native Americans chase Lope de Oviedo?

5 4. In what ways do the Native Americans help Cabeza de Vaca and his companions?

6 How many men did I say survived this excursion
How many men did I say survived this excursion? (“They started with 600 and ended up with ___.”)

7 “Of Plymouth Plantation”
According to the author, what was “most sad and lamentable”?

8 Name one of the six terms of peace.

9 Which disease was mentioned in the text?

10 Which holiday was mentioned in the text?

11 Of Plymouth Plantation
By: William Bradford

12 Meet William Bradford Read p. 60 in your textbook.
Bradford says: “All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and must be both enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.” What qualities do people need to endure hardship? List a few of the hardships that Bradford and the other Pilgrims went through.

13 Literary Elements and Terms
1. Diction 2. Point of View Use the Literary terms Handbook (section R) to write down these definitions in your notes. Can you think of an example that provides a great example of these terms?

14 Point of View and Diction
Read the passage titled “The Starving Time” on p. 63. In what point of view is the selection written? What effect does this point of view have? Diction: Find some specific examples of Bradford’s diction and how it relates to the Pilgrims.

15 Indian Relations Read the six peace terms on p. 64 and 65.
Do you think the six peace terms are reasonable? How did life for the settlers change so drastically since their bleak arrival in the New World?

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