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Is ‘Ulysses’ an optimistic poem? A01, A03, A04. Optimism “to anticipate the best possible outcome” “expecting the best in all possible ways” “feeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Is ‘Ulysses’ an optimistic poem? A01, A03, A04. Optimism “to anticipate the best possible outcome” “expecting the best in all possible ways” “feeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is ‘Ulysses’ an optimistic poem? A01, A03, A04

2 Optimism “to anticipate the best possible outcome” “expecting the best in all possible ways” “feeling that all is going to turn out well” “An outlook on life such that one maintains a view of the world as a positive place”

3 Optimistic ‘Happy Isles’ – Heaven, a life after death for all, something good will happen at the end. ‘Utmost bound of human thought’ – Imaginative, always something more to be learnt. ‘I am part of all that I have met’ – Learn something from everybody, always moving forward

4 Optimistic ‘free hearts, free foreheads – you and I are old’ … ‘some work of noble note, may yet be done’ – this shows that even though they are old there is still hope for the future.

5 Pessimistic ‘to follow knowledge like a sinking star’ – never going to reach it, always too far away.

6 Different interpretations ‘life piled on life’ – This could show that life is dull/stressful but could also show the continuous growth of it. ‘the thunder and the sunshine’ – these are both different views to show the weather (pathetic fallacy), two extremes. ‘from the eternal silence something more’ – something else to come from death, even though it seems never ending.

7 A04 ‘And drunk delight of battle’ – The British Empire and the way it conquered new lands. Optimistic because of hope, fresh start, but pessimistic because of the violence. ‘Death closes all’ – Hallam’s death affected Tennyson profoundly. Seems pessimistic because there is nothing after death, but optimistic about seeing him again. Also clashes with what previously said.

8 Conclusion Both pessimistic and optimistic. Show that you have thought about different interpretations, give own view.

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