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Moving beyond 75 years of excellence Operational and Organizational Renewal 2015-2016 Mark Galloway, VP Members and Resorts Colin Saravanamuttoo, CEO Jeffrey.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving beyond 75 years of excellence Operational and Organizational Renewal 2015-2016 Mark Galloway, VP Members and Resorts Colin Saravanamuttoo, CEO Jeffrey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving beyond 75 years of excellence Operational and Organizational Renewal 2015-2016 Mark Galloway, VP Members and Resorts Colin Saravanamuttoo, CEO Jeffrey Reath, Chair

2 Canadian Ski Patrol renewal is underway YOU are the key to success

3 New era, new world = new CSP CSP renewal necessitated and triggered by major shifts in operating environment: –Industry changes –Societal changes –Demographic changes –Regulatory changes –Lifestyle changes –Volunteer attitudinal changes

4 Renewal is essential Identified by leaders Sought by industry Confirmed by members Supported by partners Has been embraced by all

5 New era, new world = new CSP First signs of CSP renewal in fall 2012; collaborative changes with expert help begin 2013: -Powerful new CSP colours of red, white and black. (Summer 2013) -Striking new logo of red maple leaf with white cross icon and full CSP title. (Fall 2013.) -High-profile new uniform to mirror de facto industry standard. (Spring 2014) -Inspiring declaration of CSP values in The CSP: Who, What, How document. (Summer 2014) -Transformative operational and organizational renewal to reshape how we do what we do, who we are. Fall 2014 -Foundational corporate restructuring of national portfolios and national management committee. Spring 2015.

6 New era, new world = new CSP The goals of operational and organizational renewal are to reshape how we do what we do. To create a new Canadian Ski Patrol that is: –Professional –Flexible –Energetic –Modern –Informed –Engaging –Rewarding

7 What does it mean? New emphasis on professionalism: being volunteer leaders Dedication to excellence –Advanced first aid and rescue services –Member experience, engagement, attitude Renewed leadership by the CSP and its members Positioning actively for new opportunities Offering flexibility in delivery and experience

8 How do we do it? Inspiring, enterprising, humble attitude Demonstrated competence Committed “customer” service Professional appearance and behaviour Dedication to team orientation, cohesion Revitalized, modern organizational integration Engagement in mission and organization

9 CSP Renewal Operational and organizational excellence Much more than colours and logo –Attitude –Competence –Values –Ambassadors for our industry –Proud of our organization Character – Reputation – Image

10 Next step is yours Attitude Competence –First aid –On snow –Patrolmanship Customer service Appearance Team orientation and cohesion Organizational integration

11 Attitude Open, willing and positive Comprehending part on a team Understanding you drive the outcome Taking ownership and be accountable Purposeful, polite and undramatic Competence Hungry for improvement Willing to learn Driven to be better Committed to skills improvement Capable and fit

12 Customer service Responsive Informed A resource Going above and beyond Sharing expertise Thoughtful in role Eager to use knowledge Willing to find the answer

13 Appearance Uniform fits, is clean, meets policy Personal equipment/clothing/gear clean and maintained. Reflects commitment to professionalism. Fit, agile and sufficiently dexterous to do the job Be an example and role model for others. Reflects positively on CSP and resort partners

14 Team Understand mission, activities and role Be informed. In doubt? Ask! Support teammates. Improve outcomes by collaboration. CSP channels our efforts. Choose to be on the team by being an active part of it.

15 Organization Procedures vary. Different does not mean less effective. We are all the Canadian Ski Patrol. One patrol, one team. Work to improve the CSP at all levels. What you do is the result of 4,500 people working together. The best days of the CSP are ahead of it.

16 Engagement Focus to perform as well as possible. Engagement is like smiling: it’s infectious and breeds like-minded behaviour in others. Being involved in your duties and your organization means both go – and feel - better. If you don’t care about what’s going on/at incident, on team, in a patrol or within the CSP, it’s just not going to inspire others. Engagement is leadership – we are leaders.

17 Setting the bar Patrol at least 10 days per season. Take part in at least two fundraising activities a year. Contribute to and support team-building/social events. Take part in at least two non-snow events. They’re fun! Wash uniform a minimum of twice a season. Nominate for an award from the CSP.

18 Setting the bar Adhere to regulations. Participate in first aid scenarios. Absorb CSP information provided. Ski/board improvement annually. Take steps to be fit. Do toboggan handling in-service. Understand your organization. Be a positive role model for all.

19 Passionate + Professional + Proud

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