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PATIENCE IS KEY: INTEGRATING ORIENTATION, TRANSITION & RETENTION Brett Bruner, Director of First Year Experience/Persistence & Retention Fort Hays State.

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Presentation on theme: "PATIENCE IS KEY: INTEGRATING ORIENTATION, TRANSITION & RETENTION Brett Bruner, Director of First Year Experience/Persistence & Retention Fort Hays State."— Presentation transcript:

1 PATIENCE IS KEY: INTEGRATING ORIENTATION, TRANSITION & RETENTION Brett Bruner, Director of First Year Experience/Persistence & Retention Fort Hays State University Missy Wikle, Director of First Year Experience Oklahoma State University NODA: The Association for Orientation, Transition & Retention in Higher Education 2015 Region IV Conference | St. Louis, MO

2 OVERVIEW Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Introductions of Presenters, Institutions & Backgrounds Introductions of Presenters, Institutions & Backgrounds Brainstorming of Goals from Attendees Brainstorming of Goals from Attendees Key Terminology Sharing Key Terminology Sharing Background of the T&R Movement in OTR Background of the T&R Movement in OTR Participant Guided Reflection Participant Guided Reflection Strategies & Collaboration Strategies & Collaboration Collective Brainstorming Collective Brainstorming Moving Forward Moving Forward

3 LEARNING OUTCOMES As a result of attending this educational session, participants will: Compare & contrast the definitions of “orientation,” “transition” & “retention” using the NODA (2012) definitions Compare & contrast the definitions of “orientation,” “transition” & “retention” using the NODA (2012) definitions Articulate the role they play in transition and/or retention efforts on their campus Articulate the role they play in transition and/or retention efforts on their campus Identify 1 new campus partner with whom to collaborate and/or 1 existing campus partner with whom their office could more effectively collaborate Identify 1 new campus partner with whom to collaborate and/or 1 existing campus partner with whom their office could more effectively collaborate

4 INTRODUCTIONS OF PRESENTERS Brett Bruner Current: Director of First Year Experience/Persistence & Retention Fort Hays State University (KS) Previous:Director of Student Life Baker University (KS) NODA Experience:Former Board of Directors member (2010-2013) Current Annual Conference Committee Chair (2015)

5 INTRODUCTIONS OF PRESENTERS Missy Wikle Current: Director, First Year Experience Oklahoma State University Includes:New Student Orientation & Enrollment, University College Advising, and LASSO Academic Support Center NODA Experience:Current Board of Directors member (2014-present) Former association Leadership Development Committee member


7 KEY TERMINOLOGY SHARING Orientation: deliberate programmatic & service efforts designed to facilitate the transition of new students to the institution; prepare students for the institution’s educational opportunities & student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural & social climate of the institution; & support the parents, partners, guardians, & children of the new student. Orientation: deliberate programmatic & service efforts designed to facilitate the transition of new students to the institution; prepare students for the institution’s educational opportunities & student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural & social climate of the institution; & support the parents, partners, guardians, & children of the new student. Source: NODA Task Force to Explore the Definition of Orientation, Transition & Retention (2012)

8 KEY TERMINOLOGY SHARING Transition: the process students go through (typically lasting up to 1 year) when entering a particular institution of higher education and/or entering the same institution for a new purpose. This may include, but is not limited to, entering a college as a first-year student, transferring to a college from a different institution, and/or entering a college or university for a subsequent degree. Successful transition results in student integration into the institution & ultimately retention and/or achievement of personal educational objectives. Transition: the process students go through (typically lasting up to 1 year) when entering a particular institution of higher education and/or entering the same institution for a new purpose. This may include, but is not limited to, entering a college as a first-year student, transferring to a college from a different institution, and/or entering a college or university for a subsequent degree. Successful transition results in student integration into the institution & ultimately retention and/or achievement of personal educational objectives. Source: NODA Task Force to Explore the Definition of Orientation,Transition & Retention (2012)

9 KEY TERMINOLOGY SHARING Retention: student progression through higher education, focusing primarily on student persistence (i.e. term to term) through the beginning of the 2 nd year at the same institution, with the goal being graduation from that institution and/or achievement of personal educational objectives. Retention is 1 outcome/measure/byproduct of successful student transition, which can be facilitated by effective orientation programs & other academic & social integration processes. Retention: student progression through higher education, focusing primarily on student persistence (i.e. term to term) through the beginning of the 2 nd year at the same institution, with the goal being graduation from that institution and/or achievement of personal educational objectives. Retention is 1 outcome/measure/byproduct of successful student transition, which can be facilitated by effective orientation programs & other academic & social integration processes. Source: NODA Task Force to Explore the Definition of Orientation, Transition & Retention (2012)

10 BACKGROUND OF THE T&R MOVEMENT IN OTR 2014 (updated) Board of Directors Strategic Plan priorities 2014 (updated) Board of Directors Strategic Plan priorities 2012 Annual Conference – Retention Symposium 2012 Annual Conference – Retention Symposium 2012 Association Member Needs Assessment 2012 Association Member Needs Assessment 2011 (original) Board of Directors Strategic Plan priorities 2011 (original) Board of Directors Strategic Plan priorities Consider where your campus would rate itself in terms of O, T, and R

11 PARTICIPANT GUIDED REFLECTION 1.Focusing on my current campus role, what is my perception of myself and my contribution to campus? 2.What is the perception of others regarding me, my role and/or my office (staff members, units, offices, etc.)? 3.What role(s) do I serve in areas of Transition & Retention on my campus?

12 PRE-CONFERENCE SURVEY Where orientation can usually be planned by one office, in collaboration with campus areas, transition and retention is much more complicated in terms of programming and requires someone (and everyone) to take responsibility Data from pre-conference survey to be added later… only two respondents thus far. Data from pre-conference survey to be added later… only two respondents thus far.

13 STRATEGIES & COLLABORATION Collaboration, a beautiful thing, does not come easy. Successful collaboration requires strategy, persistence, and … a great deal of patience Direct strategies Direct strategies Backdoor strategies Backdoor strategies Effective assessment & building a culture of evidence Effective assessment & building a culture of evidence Relationship-building skills Relationship-building skills

14 STRATEGIES & COLLABORATION: PARTICIPANT GUIDED REFLECTION 1.Who does my office currently collaborate with across campus? 2.Of those collaborative partners, how effective are they? Which one(s) could be improved? 3.Who am I not currently collaborating with that I should or could be? (consider the goals you would like to improve upon or achieve that you can’t do currently)

15 COLLECTIVE BRAINSTORMING What area(s) of growth do you have in terms of integrating Orientation, Transition & Retention on your campus? What area(s) of growth do you have in terms of integrating Orientation, Transition & Retention on your campus? Begin utilizing your relationship-building skills to network with others to share resources & ideas on specific topic area(s) of interest! Begin utilizing your relationship-building skills to network with others to share resources & ideas on specific topic area(s) of interest!

16 MOVING FORWARD What is an OTR area of success on your campus? What is an OTR area of success on your campus? Write a letter to yourself of what you hope to see on your campus in 6 months (September 2015) in terms of an integrated OT&R movement. Write a letter to yourself of what you hope to see on your campus in 6 months (September 2015) in terms of an integrated OT&R movement. How can we keep this conversation moving forward? How can we keep this conversation moving forward? A regional online structured conversation A regional online structured conversation Invitation to re-convene at the Annual Conference in October in Denver Invitation to re-convene at the Annual Conference in October in Denver

17 PATIENCE IS KEY: INTEGRATING ORIENTATION, TRANSITION & RETENTION Brett Bruner, Director of First Year Experience/Persistence & Retention Fort Hays State University Missy Wikle, Director of First Year Experience Oklahoma State University

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