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Development of Large-Area Photo-detectors: MCP development S. Antipov, Z. Insepov, V. Ivanov Abstract Electric field inside high gain microchannel plate.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Large-Area Photo-detectors: MCP development S. Antipov, Z. Insepov, V. Ivanov Abstract Electric field inside high gain microchannel plate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Large-Area Photo-detectors: MCP development S. Antipov, Z. Insepov, V. Ivanov Abstract Electric field inside high gain microchannel plate multipliers was studied. The COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation package was employed that facilitates all steps in the modeling process — defining geometry, meshing, specifying physics, solving Maxwell equations and finally, visualization of the results. An AC/DC Module was used that sets the stage for modeling the performance of a system containings dielectrics, resistors, and an AC/DC current passing through the resistive elements. The calculations were based on a highly conductive approach and were obtained by the solution of the Maxwell equations for various number of pores inside a dielectric matrix (glass) with one, and several (up to 19 in 3d and 21 in 2d) micron scale pores. The pore model includes a thin Al 2 O 3 +ZnO mixture coating that covers the internal pore surface. The preliminary results are important to study the gain and temporal characteristics and the performance of MCP's. The Comsol results were compared to an analytical solution. The future tasks were outlined. Simultaneous DC and Electrostatics Modeling Mesh restriction (Nel ~ 40,000) The coating is too thin -- memory restriction Artificial thickening of coating was used Effective boundary approach with distributed resistance was not successful Relaxation time issue is being researched Due to very low coating conductivity the charge relaxation time is too large. Geometry of the pores and MCP parameters Pore structure Pore diameters – 20 mm Alumina coatings – 1 mm and 5 mm Aspect ratio 5 Materials parameters: Glass:  = 1  10 -17 S/m,  =5.8 Al2O3+ZnO:  = 1  10 -8 S/m,  =6.9 Air:  = 1  10 -17 S/m,  =1 Al2O3+ZnO Table 1: Dielectric constants [1] and resistivities [2] for Al 2 O 3 /ZnO ALD films Al 2 O 3 + ZnO coating resistivity Preliminary results One pore: In a 3D simulation we assume that ε/σ relaxation time is small for a thin resistive layer with the poperties of a mixture 30% Al2O3 and 70% ZnO. Results show that electric field aligns along the pore. 88 % DEZ* exposures010253350 Dielectric Constant6.8 ± 0.56.5 ± 0.46.9 ± 0.37.2 ± 0.26.6 ± 0.3 Resistivity  (  cm) ~10 16 5x10 15 5x10 14 10 14 10 13 R = N  R 1 N = 5  10 6 pores R 1 =R*N = (18-100 M  )  5  10 6 = (90-500)  10 12  r = 20  m d = 1  m h = 1.6 mm E-field inside 7 pores Edge Effects: E-field at the pore edge We have simulated the electric field inside the pores of shevron-type MCP’s using a Multiphysics Comsol software package and verified this study by an analytical solution. The main conclusion is that in a highly- conductive envireonment, the electric field in the pore is directed axially inside the pore, having a gradual turn from the value in the resistive layer near the surface. E-field Angle ~ 8 °, field aligns along the pore Conclusion Muons, Inc. Analytical Solution for tilted cylindrical pore in dielectrics Problem 1. Cylindrical channel of radius R with dielectric constant ε 1 is in the medium ε 2 in external electric field of strength E. Potential and electric field distributions fir infinite- length channel are given by formulae Problem 2. Cylindrical channel in tilted electric field E 0 with angle . Electric field in the channels of chevron pairs can be represented as a sum of 1-D analytical field of middle part and fringe fields of entrance and exit of the channel. The external field can be expanded onto parallel and perpendicular components Parallel component does not make a perturbation, but perpendicular one excites the field of the Problem 1. Actual field in cylindrical channel is Finally the angle between cylinder axis and the vector of internal electric field is Conductive material excites the surface currents which increase the electric field from external side of the layer and decreases the field from internal one – analogue of dipole charge layer. It creates the screening effect of lowering for the external field E ext in the pore. Problem3. Internal surface of the channel is coated with thin layer of the material with conductance σ. Color: Angle=Atan(Ex/Ez) Arrows: Electric field Color: Angle=Atan(Ex/Ez) Streamlines in cross section - electric field Color: Ez Arrows & streamlines: Electric field cross talk of the pores is not significant E-field in pore

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