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Design Your Own Experiment: Energy Conservation. How can you tell which light bulb is the most energy efficient? The more heat a light bulb gives off,

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Presentation on theme: "Design Your Own Experiment: Energy Conservation. How can you tell which light bulb is the most energy efficient? The more heat a light bulb gives off,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Your Own Experiment: Energy Conservation

2 How can you tell which light bulb is the most energy efficient? The more heat a light bulb gives off, the more energy it wastes. Use what you know about how to measure the temperature of an object to design an experiment that confirms which type of light bulb wastes less energy.

3 Purpose To determine which type of light bulb is the most energy efficient.

4 Materials 1. 2 table lamps 2. 1 Incandescent light bulb 3. 1 Fluorescent light bulb 4. 2 thermometers 5. 1 ruler 6. 1 timer

5 Data Table Light BulbStarting Temp. in o C Final Temp. o C Trial 1 Final Temp. o C Trial 2 Final Temp. o C Trial 3 Average Temp in o C Incandescent Fluorescent Light Bulb Temperatures

6 Variables Manipulated: Type of light bulb Responding: Temperature of light bulb Controlled: length of trials distance from light bulb to thermometer wattage of light bulb

7 Today’s Checklist Figure out how you are going to test which light bulb - incandescent or fluorescent - wastes less energy. Brainstorm and use scratch paper Write up your final procedure. Need at least 3 trials for each light bulb

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