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Bacteria. Characteristics of Bacteria 1. Bacteria are considered _______________. This means that ______ bacterium can survive and reproduce without the.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria. Characteristics of Bacteria 1. Bacteria are considered _______________. This means that ______ bacterium can survive and reproduce without the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria

2 Characteristics of Bacteria 1. Bacteria are considered _______________. This means that ______ bacterium can survive and reproduce without the help of any other bacteria. single-celled one

3 Characteristics of Bacteria 2. All bacteria contain a single _____________ that is in the shape of a _________. Sometimes this ___________ DNA coils up into a less recognizable shape, but it is still considered circular DNA. chromosome circle circular

4 Characteristics of Bacteria 3. All bacteria are considered _______________ because they lack a __________. prokaryotes nucleus

5 ___________________ Decide if the following cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic: ___________________ eukaryoticprokaryotic eukaryotic

6 Characteristics of Bacteria All bacteria reproduce through a process very similar to mitosis known as _______________. binary fission

7 While bacteria do not reproduce _________ like higher level organisms, they can share ________ material in unique way. Bacteria can absorb fragments of ______ and make them a part of their one ____________. sexually genetic DNA chromosome

8 They can also share tiny rings of DNA known as __________. These sections of DNA __________ the bacterium and allow it to make _________ that it previously could not. plasmids transform proteins

9 Helpful Uses of Bacteria Bacteria are found inside your body. Some of this bacteria lives inside your ______________ tract and aids your body with ___________. The bacteria have special proteins known as __________ that break down or _________nutrients that your body cannot. In return, the bacterium is provided with ____________ and __________ every time you eat. gastrointestinal digestion enzymes digest nutrients energy

10 Helpful Uses of Bacteria The same kinds of bacteria that are found in your intestines are often found in ______. Bacteria are the reason that milk ______, but sometimes this can be a good thing. milk sours

11 Q: What are some products that are the result of milk spoiling? A: ___________________________________________________ Cheese, sour cream, yogurt, etc.

12 Disease-Causing Bacteria Disease causing bacteria can be found almost everywhere. Your skin, which is part of the ________________ system, provides a protective barrier against most of these disease causing bacteria, however, bacteria can still find their way into your body. integumentary

13 Disease causing bacteria cause a variety of illnesses. These include skin infections such as _______ and dental ________. acnecavities

14 Disease-Causing Bacteria _________ is one of the main ways bacteria make it into your body. Food ____________ occurs when bacteria that are present in food attack your body as they travel through the ___________ system. This causes a response from your ___________ system to expel all of the contaminated food to rid your body of the bacteria. Food poisoning digestive excretory Salmonella attacking a cultured human cell.

15 Q: How can you protect yourself from the harmful bacteria that are found in food? A: ___________________________________________________ Cook food properly at the correct temperatures.

16 Disease-Causing Bacteria When bacteria enter your body and cause an __________, your body’s __________ system works to kill all of the bacteria. The immune system is primarily composed of _______ blood cells. infection immune white

17 Disease-Causing Bacteria When your body is infected, your body increases the number of _________________ it creates to help fight the infection. These white blood cells also work better at a slightly higher ____________, so your body warms itself up giving the sick person a _______. white blood cells temperature fever

18 Disease-Causing Bacteria Your body’s B cells (a type of white blood cell) create large molecules known as __________ which help neutralize the bacteria. B cells create thousands of different ___________ until one of them is able to attach to the invading __________. antibodies bacteria

19 The B cells then create more of this specific antibody and they are able to ________ to the bacterium and neutralize it while making it easier for other _______ blood cells to find it and destroy it. Once your body makes this antibody against a bacteria, it never __________ it. attach white destroys

20 Disease-Causing Bacteria This means that the next time your body is attacked by the _______ bacteria, it will immediately be able to attack it. This causes a person to be __________ to that particular disease. Define immune: _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ same immune Being immune to something means that you are not affected by it.

21 Sometimes your body’s immune system is just not enough. When this is the case, your doctor might prescribe you ____________. These drugs are great at killing ________, but they CANNOT kill ________. antibiotics bacteria viruses

22 They usually work by disrupting the bacteria’s ability to replicate itself through the process of ______________. This keeps the infection from ___________, and it can even ___________ the bacteria that attempt to reproduce. binary fission spreading destroy

23 Some bacteria are not affected by certain ____________. This is because there has been a change (or ___________ ) to their DNA. This mutation causes them to reproduce in a slightly different way that is not affected by the ___________. When this happens, we say that the bacteria have become _____________ to the antibiotics. antibiotics mutation antibiotic resistant

24 One of the main reasons bacteria become resistant is because of ___________ use of antibiotics. Many patients take antibiotics until they feel well, but stop taking them before their ____________ runs out. When this happens, the bacteria that were easily _______ are gone, but a few of the more _________ bacteria are still left. improper prescription killed resistant Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria

25 These begin to ____________ and the person can get sick again or spread them to another _________ before their immune system finishes the job. This process continues until finally someone has an infection that is completely ____________ to any form of antibiotics. This is why it is important to take your ______________ until they are done whether you feel well or not. reproduce host resistant prescriptions

26 Disease-Causing Bacteria Vaccines give people __________ by exposing them to ______ of a bacteria or ______ bacteria. Your body thinks it is being invaded, so you may feel ______ for a brief period of time, but the bacteria is harmless and the __________ your body makes will make you __________ to that disease. immunity parts dead sick antibodies immune

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