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War Strategies. Union Strategies 1. blockade all Confederate ports & seize Mississippi R. why? Split confederacy in ½ leaving Ark, Tx, and LA stranded=

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Presentation on theme: "War Strategies. Union Strategies 1. blockade all Confederate ports & seize Mississippi R. why? Split confederacy in ½ leaving Ark, Tx, and LA stranded="— Presentation transcript:

1 War Strategies

2 Union Strategies 1. blockade all Confederate ports & seize Mississippi R. why? Split confederacy in ½ leaving Ark, Tx, and LA stranded= bka Anaconda Plan 2. capture capital= Richmond, Va 3. destroy confederate armies and land Why? Civilians would stop supporting the war 4. blockade all ports-control imports and exports

3 Confederate Strategies 1. wear down Union 2. swift raiders to capture Union merchant ships 3. submarines to sink Union wooden ships 4. King Cotton Diplomacy (political strategy)-confed threatens to stop selling cotton to France and Great Britian- result hoping- France and Great Britian will assist confederacy

4 Threatened good relations 1.US navy stopped Trent & forced 2 confederate diplomats off 2.British secretly built naval rams for Confederacy 3. poor wheat harvests in Europe meant Great Britain needed Northern wheat more than southern cotton 4. Great Britain strongly anti-slavery


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