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Trust in institutions: A macro perspective René Center for Philanthropic Studies VU University Amsterdam

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Presentation on theme: "Trust in institutions: A macro perspective René Center for Philanthropic Studies VU University Amsterdam"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trust in institutions: A macro perspective René Bekkers @renebekkers Center for Philanthropic Studies VU University Amsterdam

2 Mechanisms of Market Regulation Permits for those meeting a set of standards Policing and punishment of rule breakers Perks for good citizens Praising the good kids Preaching good behavior Promise elicitation 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen2 CONTROL ---------------  TRUST

3 Increasing satisfaction with democracy Satisfaction with democracy Trust in government 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen3 Source:

4 But decreasing trust in government Satisfaction with democracy Trust in government 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen4 Source:

5 Government vs other institutions 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen5 Source: SCP, Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven (COB)

6 Two continents of trust in Europe Sources: Eurobarometer, European Social Survey, European Values Survey. Public Opinion Barometer, 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen6 % trusting national government

7 The Economics of Political Trust 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen7

8 Who we trust in Europe Data source: Eurobarometer 62, 2004 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen8

9 Trust in charitable organizations Data source: Eurobarometer 62, 2004 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen9

10 Civil society vs government Data source: World Values Survey, 2012 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen10

11 Decentralization is not a panacea Fiscal decentralization may increase trust (Ligthart & Van Oudheusden, 2015) But only when service levels are maintained, i.e. government spending does not decline too much (Diaz-Serrano & Rodríguez-Pose, 2015) In Asia, trust in national institutions decreases with decentralization (Tang & Huhe, forthcoming). 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen11

12 Also, participants may be more trusting… 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen12

13 …but volunteering does not breed trust 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen13 Bekkers, R. (2012). ‘Trust and Volunteering: Selection or Causation? Evidence From a 4 Year Panel Study’. Political Behaviour, 32 (2): 225-247. DOI 10.1007/s11109-011-9165-x. (open access)

14 Take home messages Political trust is volatile and depends on much more than politics. We trust civil society organizations more than national government. Trust in institutions relies on generalized social trust. Do not expect miracles. 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen14

15 Local vs national 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen15

16 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen16

17 References Dinesen, P.T. & Bekkers, R. (2016). ‘The Foundations of Individuals’ Generalized Social Trust: A Review’. In: Van Lange, P.A.M., Rockenbach, B., & Yamagishi, T. (Eds.). Trust in Social Dilemmas. Series in Human Cooperation, Volume 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bekkers, R., Mersiyanova, I., Smith, D.H., Abu-Rumman, S., Layton, M., & Roka, K. (2016). ‘Public perceptions of and trust in associations and volunteers’. Chapter 49 in: Smith, D.H., Stebbins, R.A. & Grotz, J. (Eds.). Palgrave Research Handbook on Volunteering and Nonprofit Associations. Bekkers, R. & Verkaik, D. (2014). ‘Empirical analyses of citizen perceptions of the third sector in Europe’. Deliverable 2.3 of the project: “Impact of the Third Sector as Social Innovation” (ITSSOIN, 613177), European Commission – 7th Framework Programme, Brussels: European Commission, DG Research. analyses-of-citizen-perceptions-of-the-third-sector-in-Europe.pdf analyses-of-citizen-perceptions-of-the-third-sector-in-Europe.pdf Van Ingen, E. & Bekkers, R. (2015). ‘Trust Through Civic Engagement? Evidence From Five National Panel Studies.’ Political Psychology, 36 (3): 277-294. _Bekkers_12.pdf _Bekkers_12.pdf Bekkers, R. (2012). ‘Trust and Volunteering: Selection or Causation? Evidence from a Four Year Panel Study’. Political Behavior, 32 (2): 225-247. Stoop, J. 2014. “From the Lab to the Field: Envelopes, Dictators and Manners.” Experimental Economics, 17, 304-313. 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen17

18 Other factors that affect trust Disasters (+) Corruption (-) Religious and ethnic diversity (-) 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen18

19 Changes in Trust - Switzerland 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen19

20 Changes in Trust – UK (BHPS) 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen20

21 Changes in Trust – AU & NL 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen21

22 17 juni 2016VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen22

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