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Romania Allyson Slater and Megan Hollingsworth. Christmas in Romania vs Christmas in America In both countries the holiday is on December 25th. Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Romania Allyson Slater and Megan Hollingsworth. Christmas in Romania vs Christmas in America In both countries the holiday is on December 25th. Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romania Allyson Slater and Megan Hollingsworth

2 Christmas in Romania vs Christmas in America In both countries the holiday is on December 25th. Romania does celebrate December 26th and the second day of Christmas and it is a National holiday. December 20th- sacrifice to Saint Ignatius December 24th- In America it is called Christmas Eve and in Romania it is called Ajunul Craciunului. Carolers- Carolers carry stars made out of cardboard throughout the villages displaying images from the bible on them while singing Christmas carols and receive fruit, nuts, and bread for their singing. Carolers go from house to house singing carols. Who brings the gifts?- In America Santa Claus brings children gifts every year. In Romania Mos Craciun brings the children a variety of gifts each year.


4 Labor Day in Romania vs in America in Romania Labor Day takes place on May 1st and is also called May Day. In America Labor Day takes place on the first Monday of September. In America it is a day of rest. In both countries majority of people have off of work and school. People attend social gatherings. People in Romania who use public transportation must check for any changes.


6 Easter in Romania vs in America ●One of the most important religious holidays. ●Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are public holidays and people who use public transportation must check for changes. ●In both countries eggs are decorated. In Romania eggs are painted with the colors red, blue, green, yellow, and black. In America eggs are usually dyed with brighter colors such as pink, purple, blue, yellow, and anything pastel colored.


8 Tucia Romania Plum Brandy, used to celebrate weddings and simbra oilor

9 Carnati Garlicky pork sausages which may be smoked or dry-cured

10 Frigarui romanian style shish-kebab. Made with bacon, sausages, or vegetables such as onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and mushrooms. Then seasoned with spices such as pepper, garlic, savory, rosemary, majoram, and laurel

11 Ciorba The traditional Romania sour soup, consisting of various vegetables and meat.

12 Ardei Umpluti stuffed bell peppers

13 Amandine Chocolate sponge cake with almond and chocolate filling glazed in chocolate.

14 Citations “Holidays in Romania in 2015.” Holidays and observances in Romania in 2015.N.P.,n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.

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