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The Importance of National Policy for Mathematics 5-19 Roger Billing

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of National Policy for Mathematics 5-19 Roger Billing"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of National Policy for Mathematics 5-19 Roger Billing @rogerbilling

2 Setting – making the decisions for the children

3 Boring and safe – we will lose our future Mathematicians

4 Engaging and inspiring Maths

5 Main thoughts… We need to involve our children in their Mathematical Learning. Self and peer assessment enables children to develop their understanding of where they need to go next in their learning and how they can do it. The ethos of a school is vital. It must allow children to feel that they are free to challenge themselves, without the fear of being ridiculed if they find something difficult. The school must then have the extending and supporting skills, in their staff and resources, to cater for every pupil.

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