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Presentation on theme: "Chartered College of Teaching PLACE PRESENTER’S NAME HERE PLACE DATE HERE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our story so far… 2012 The idea of a new College of Teaching was first broached at a head teacher residential held by the Prince’s Teaching Institute. 2012 Education Select Committee recommends a new Chartered College of Teaching be set up, independent from government 2013 College of Teachers declares support for the new organisation and offers to petition for a royal charter. 2014 PTI Blueprint published, stating how the College could work. 2015 13,000 teachers responded to a survey asking if they wanted a College, with 80% seeing a new College as an important part of the profession. 2015 Our Founding Trustees were appointed. Eight are teachers, and five live outside London. 2016 The College is launching its first categories of membership in Autumn 2016

3 Building the College together The College’s ambition must be to lead the profession in creating a vibrant, respected community of excellent practitioners with a common moral compass; one which speaks for the whole profession to encourage policies and practices we know to be appropriate and to resist and argue against those patently not. Iain Hulland, Executive Headteacher The College must set standards; it must inspire; it must build collaboration. It must share research effectively. It should help inspire and make young teachers feel valued, whilst at the same time use the best of the knowledge and skills of those who are more experienced. Dom Miller, Leader of English My vision for the College is one of enabling excellence to flourish throughout the profession and for highly successful approaches to be amplified and taken to scale. Alison Peacock, Executive Headteacher The long-term benefits could be extraordinary. If we are to finally free ourselves from top-down policymaking and call ourselves professionals, we must embed research into our practice and a Chartered College will help us do this. Gareth Alcott, Assistant Headteacher

4 Creating the best teaching profession in the world The College will lead an evidence-informed revolution that puts research, objectivity and innovation at the heart of the profession. 1 Professional Innovation 2 Being a Graduate Profession 3 Partnering across the education landscape

5 Innovation Professional Standards Mobilisation of Knowledge Members will be accredited against innovative, respected, sector-led professional principles created with input from the membership body. The College will provide access to a quality- assured and diverse professional knowledge base, drawing from academic research and teachers’ judgments of the best ways to help children succeed in specific contexts. Leading a revolution in the profession through evidence-informed innovation. Offered by one organisation, in one place, for every teacher who values their own professional development 1

6 We are a graduate profession Being a Chartered Teacher involves more than reaching a certain standard; it is an outlook and set of behaviours that run through everything a teacher does. 2 Evidence-informed practice Authority through objectivity A communal commitment to professionalism

7 Membership The types membership we will provide Practitioners: Associate: Teachers and students with entry-level membership. Membership (MCCT): Established teachers working towards Chartered Membership Chartered Teacher (Cteach): A rigorous standard that all great teachers will aspire to Fellowship (FCCT): Given to those individuals who have demonstrated excellence in teaching Individual: Individuals will be able to benefit from the thought leadership the College will provide, and have an opportunity to contribute to the events and content we produce. Institutional: For institutions, including individual schools and colleges and broader academy chains and trusts. Affiliation:

8 Partnering across the education landscape We stand at the intersection of research, professional development, and individual teachers. We must partner effectively across the education landscape. 3

9 Our emerging culture Start with the needs of the teacher. Always put the needs of the classroom teacher at the heart of what we do. Imbed the difficulties, intensity and reality of classroom practice across our organisation. Innovate with evidence. To bring the teaching profession to the same level as others, we will need innovative approaches to professionalism, underpinned by rigorous evidence. Be a platform, not an ivory tower. There are organisations and individuals who are doing extraordinary work in education. We want to work with and add value to these organisations. Radical transparency. We want our members to be able to hold us to account. They can only do that if we’re transparent about what we do. Devolve power regionally. We believe that things work best when responsibility sits as close is members as possible. 9 The values and principles we are building our organisation around.

10 Teachers across the country are helping us build the Chartered College. Join them. 10 Sign up to our national newsletter and be the first to find out about our plans and how you can help. Go to Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @collofteaching Get in touch with us:

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