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Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Evolution of Slavery Slavery began about 10,000 years ago Many civilizations practiced slavery Slavery not always based on.

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Presentation on theme: "Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Evolution of Slavery Slavery began about 10,000 years ago Many civilizations practiced slavery Slavery not always based on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

2 Evolution of Slavery Slavery began about 10,000 years ago Many civilizations practiced slavery Slavery not always based on race, but in the Americas, slavery based on race

3 Slavery in Africa Slavery existed in Africa for many years, but the spread of Islam increases slavery African rulers justified enslavement with Muslim belief that non-Muslim prisoners of war could be bought and sold Results: 4.8 million Africans are transported to Southwest Asia

4 Differences in Practice of Slavery… In African and Muslim societies slaves had some legal rights and opportunities In Americas slavery is inherited

5 The Desire For Africans European colonists forced Native Americans to work Natives died from disease To re supply labor force colonists saw advantages to using Africans 1. Africans had been exposed to European diseases 2. Many Africans had farming experience 3. Africans= strangers to Americas

6 Buying and selling Africans for work in the Americas = Atlantic Slave Trade

7 Spain & Portugal Spanish began transporting Africans By mid-1600’s Portuguese surpassed the Spanish

8 Slavery Spreads Throughout Americas European nations establish colonies in the Americas- began to import slaves As English presence grows- dominates Atlantic Slave Trade

9 African Cooperation and Resistance Many African rulers saw selling slaves to Westerners same as selling to Muslims African merchants captured slaves and sold to Europeans Some African rulers voiced opposition: King Nzinga Mbemba

10 Triangular Trade Africans transported to the Americas known as: triangular trade Europeans transported manufactured goods to the west coast of Africa African merchants sold captured Africans Africans transported across the Atlantic Ocean and sold in West Indies Merchants then bought goods

11 Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade Triangular Trade Europe Africa Americas Middle Passage Slaves Raw materials Manufactured Goods

12 The Middle Passage Voyage brought captured Africans to West Indies and North and South America = Middle Passage Called this because it was the middle leg of triangle Brutality, whippings, beatings, disease, over population 20% of Africans died on board ships

13 Slavery In Americas Harsh life- sold to highest bidder and worked Resistance and rebellion

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