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Which bubble gum brand lasts the longest? by Ava Platt

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Presentation on theme: "Which bubble gum brand lasts the longest? by Ava Platt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which bubble gum brand lasts the longest? by Ava Platt

2 My prediction is that Wrigley's Extra ‘Classic Bubble’ Sugarfree Gum will last longest because on the package it says “Extra Long Lasting Flavor.”

3 Materials Six types of gum: 5 RMP ‘Mint’ sugarfree gum
Wrigley's ‘Juicy Fruit’ gum Trident ‘Watermelon Twist’ sugarfree gum Orbit ‘Sweetmint’ sugarfree gum Dentyne ICE ‘Peppermint’ sugarfree gum Extra ‘Classic Bubble’ sugarfree gum A piece of paper and a pen to mark down how long the gum lasted. The timer on my phone so I could keep track. My family and friends to chew!

4 Procedure First, I asked my friends and family to help me with my experiment. We all sat together and I passed out the first type of gum. We all unwrapped the first gum, Wrigley's Juicy Fruit. We said, “ready, set, go!” and popped it in our mouths and started the timer. We all chewed the gum and each person told me when their flavor ran out and I marked the time on the chart. When everyone’s flavor ran out, we stopped the timer and got out another type of gum to do the experiment again. We did this for all of the types of gum. Some people didn’t have a chance to try all the gums but I marked the ones that they did try.

5 Observations Ava 18:25 7:13 21:50 19:40 9:49 31:01 Ella 13:13 12:10
Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit Trident Watermelon Twist Sugar Free Gum 5 RMP Mint Sugar Free Gum Orbit Sweetmint Gum Extra Classic Bubble Sugar Free Gum Dentyne ICE Peppermint Sugar Free Gum Ava 18:25 7:13 21:50 19:40 9:49 31:01 Ella 13:13 12:10 18:16 5:39 Erika 20:03 15:25 42:03 Aleayah 21:22 10:44 Amayah 10:59 28:29 23:11 11:45 Mom 13:10 11:43 23:05 17:41 9:17 32:04 Annie 9:10 4:11 32:08 4:13 19:56 A few things I noticed about the different brands and flavors: We all noticed that most of the flavors started with a strong flavor for one minute and then the flavor faded to just a little bit for the rest of the time. I noticed that both Dentyne ICE and Trident had especially strong flavors in the beginning. We also all agreed that Juicy Fruit was the stiffest one to chew. 5 and Extra were the softest ones to chew, and were the best for blowing bubbles.

6 Conclusion The gum brand that lasted the longest was Dentyne ICE. In second place was 5, and in third place was Orbit. Next was Juicy Fruit and Trident, and in last place was Extra. My guess of the flavor that would last the longest was Extra but it was the shortest! I chose Extra because on the packaging it said “extra long lasting flavor!” I think the lesson of this story is you cant always trust what is on the package! Also I noticed that some people's times were really different from others so the time really depends on the person. Because maybe peoples taste buds are different or maybe some people chew faster. That is why I think it depends on the person. I think that Dentyne ICE won because before I opened it I thought it would lose but when we tried it was really minty! The flavor was so strong! One thing that I also noticed about Dentyne ICE is there was a candy coding and maybe that helped the flavor last longer. If you like gum that lasts a long time I recommend Dentyne ICE!

7 Fun Facts! During WWII, U.S. military personnel spread the popularity of chewing gum by trading it and giving it as gifts to people in Europe, Africa, Asia and around the world. Cinnamon, spearmint, and peppermint are among the most popular flavors of chewing gum today. The color of the first successful bubble gum was pink because it was the only color the inventor had left. The color “stuck,” and today bubble gum is still predominantly pink. The largest bubble ever blown was 23 inches in diameter. The record was set July 19, 1994 by Susan Montgomery Williams of Fresno, CA.

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