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Year 11 going into Year 12. Choices are not so simple anymore! 7 occupations that didn’t exist when your child started primary school – Social Media/Online-

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Presentation on theme: "Year 11 going into Year 12. Choices are not so simple anymore! 7 occupations that didn’t exist when your child started primary school – Social Media/Online-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 11 going into Year 12

2 Choices are not so simple anymore! 7 occupations that didn’t exist when your child started primary school – Social Media/Online- Community Manager Telework Manager or Coordinator Sustainability Manager Educational Consultant Search Engine Optimization Specialist Medical Biller/Coder Online Advertising Manager

3 Choosing subjects  Strengths  Successful completion of a unit  Completed unit to a high standard  Prerequisites  Part of pathways/career plan  Change to VCAL  Teacher recommendation  Change of direction

4 Jim Carrey gave a commencement address to Maharishi University of Management's class of 2014 in which he revealed how his late father inspired him to follow his dreams. His message ………. Instead of failing at what you don’t love doing, take a chance and do what you love!

5 Prerequisites  Must be met for course selection  May involve specific marks for subjects  Check VTAC or University websites for course prerequisites  25 for English means 25 (most Universities require a minimum of 25 in English, each course needs to be checked)  Pathways – University or TAFE Diplomas

6 Changing subjects  Why?  Can it be successful?

7 Study Score  Each subject is given a score out of 50  A score above 40 is considered outstanding

8 ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank)  English subject +} primary four  3 best subjects +}  10% of fifth subject  Plus 10% of sixth subject (if an extra subject has been completed through acceleration/fast tracking)

9 The ATAR -  Is NOT a score out of 100  It is a rank between 0.00 and 99.95  Allows tertiary institutions to compare students who have completed different combinations of VCE studies  Is calculated by VTAC for use by institutions  An ATAR of 75.00 means that a student with that ATAR has achieved VCE results that places them in the top 25% of all Year 12 students NDC 2014 DUX = 97.95


11 The importance of English  Your English subject is used 1 st in the calculation of your ATAR  Your English subject will impact your ATAR significantly – a poor study score in your English subject will drag your ATAR down  All university course have a prerequisite for ENGLISH and the minimum study score is usually 25  MAKE ENGLISH YOUR FRIEND!

12 Extension Studies – VCE plus  High achieving year 11 students  Offered at Latrobe Shepparton  Subject areas  Business  Financial  Human Biosciences  Sociology  Other areas offered at Melbourne, Bendigo  For further information 

13 Post school options  Traineeships  Apprenticeships  Employment  Get your resumes, covering letters, possible work placements and job applications done as early as possible. Leaving it until ‘later rather than sooner’ usually means you are completing with more candidates!

14 Tertiary pathway - TAFE  Continuation of VET training  Apprenticeship  Traineeship  Certificate level courses  Diplomas/advanced diplomas used as pathways to university and further training

15 Tertiary Pathways - University Its never too early to research your options – VTAC website & University Open Days

16 University Open Days  Generally each Sunday in August (2014 open days listed on your handout)  View campuses and see accommodation  Course information  Speak to current students  Also see Careers section on MOODLE for dates

17 Accommodation  On campus/off campus  Fees and charges  Support and tuition  More information on university websites

18 Tertiary Pathways - University  VTAC applications commence August  Application involves – course selection (up to 12), SEAS (Special consideration and Special Entry) and scholarships  Early entrance schemes – La Trobe, Charles Sturt, Federation Uni, Australian Catholic Uni, Victoria Uni  More information can be accessed on the Careers section on MOODLE

19 VTAC Process  Register  Course preferences  SEAS  Scholarships This happens in early AUGUST

20 TIMELINE – Term by Term for Year 12  On the back of your handout is a Term by Term account of what happens in Year 12

21 GAP Year Opportunities  Travel  Defence Forces – GAP year jobs & 12 month jobs (two opportunities)  Latitude / au pair/ volunteer opportunities  Employment  Traineeship  TAFE course

22 Centrelink  If you apply for Youth Allowance, you will be assessed as being either dependent or independent.  Have earned at least 75 per cent of Wage Level A (currently this amount is $22,908) in an 18-month period or have worked part-time (at least 15 hours each week) for at least 2 years  Parental income must be under $150,000



25 Further help  Individual appointments go to moodle  =20409 =20409  Parents are welcome to attend   College handbook*  Copy of this presentation*  * available on college website


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