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“Wellbeing Through Work” A NLIAH and REMPLOY partnership bid for European Structural Funds (ESF) via the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) Phil Chick.

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Presentation on theme: "“Wellbeing Through Work” A NLIAH and REMPLOY partnership bid for European Structural Funds (ESF) via the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) Phil Chick."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Wellbeing Through Work” A NLIAH and REMPLOY partnership bid for European Structural Funds (ESF) via the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) Phil Chick


3 Underpinning Knowledge Work is generally good for one’s health A healthy workforce with good wellbeing maximises productivity Self esteem and a sense of purpose arising from employment (waged or unwaged) generally improves recovery from illness Unemployment is detrimental to health Common mental health problems are a major cause of lost productivity and invalidity claims The lack of a meaningful day impairs recovery and reinforces negative self image


5 % Incapacity Benefit Claimants Waddell, Burton & Kendall % 19952008 Musculoskeletal Mental health

6 Evidence suggests: Intervention should be early and easy Intervention in the first instance should be social in nature Where healthcare provision is required intervention should establish a bridge between the employer and the health care provider Short duration psychological interventions e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in delivering health gain to retain work Vocational rehabilitation approaches combined with health interventions will provide improved employment outcomes

7 Evidence suggests: Improved mental health awareness reduces stigma and discrimination and improves employee support Improvements in the workplace can improve the wellbeing of staff Making reasonable adjustments can improve the success of a persons return to work Reducing the length of sick leave increases the persons potential for a successful return to work

8 Partnership Arrangements The bid is a joint initiative between NLIAH and Remploy a UK wide employer of disabled people and those experiencing complex barriers to work. The bid has a number of existing stakeholders National Public Health Service for Wales Wales Centre for Health Welsh Assembly Government Health Improvement Division Informing Health Care NHS Direct Cymru

9 Project Aim ‘ Well being through Work’ will provide “an early intervention service designed to promote new perspectives on health and work and improve the support available to individuals, employers and medical professionals to help people with work limiting health conditions to stay in or return to work, thereby preventing a move from ‘work to welfare’” Engage 17.5K individuals Deliver 200 workplace programmes

10 Wellbeing through Work Programme Activity within the programme centres on three key delivery themes: 1.Changing Perceptions - information and communication 2.Health and Employment Support Interventions - improved access to psychological therapies (IAPT) 3.Work Place Programmes – to support well being in the workplace

11 well unwell Referred primary care Health Intervention Return to work Work and Health parallel “fully fit”

12 Health and Employment Support Interventions Case management to support retention in workplace Direct referrals from Health professional Employer or Self Assessment Action plan Mediation linking health and employment Regular review Access to psychological therapies Development of a well being pathway to be included within MoM Work with BACP

13 wellunwell Referred primary care Health Intervention Return to work Work adjustment liaison Work and Health Liaison integrated liaison Work retention Work ready Health Interventions “Fully Fit”

14 Workplace Programmes Coordinate and add value to existing provision Assessment of need Allocation of appropriate intervention Evaluation Development of products – link with web based desk aids

15 Changing Perceptions Information and Communication Population based marketing campaign Branded Web Site with Updated and easily accessible information Self assessment facility using a well being tool Signposting and self management options (CBT on line) Desk aids for health and employment professionals Review and tracking resource Telephone triage to support all of above

16 Building upon existing initiatives The Corporate Health Standards Workboost Wales EPP Expert Patient Programme Book Prescription Wales MHFA Mental Health First Aid ASSIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Improving Access to Psychological Therapy to include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – on line DWP Employment Advisor pilot Arbitration Conciliation Advisory Service NHS Direct Cymru Map of Medicine Informing Health Care initiatives Healthy Working Wales Welsh Backs Pathways to work Fit for Work Self management initiatives Workstep National Occupational Health Service Federation of Small Business Wales Council for Voluntary Agencies

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