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BA 417: Business Ethics Mini-Lecture 5b: Privacy and Safety in the Workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "BA 417: Business Ethics Mini-Lecture 5b: Privacy and Safety in the Workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 BA 417: Business Ethics Mini-Lecture 5b: Privacy and Safety in the Workplace

2 The Right to Privacy The right to be left alone The right to control personal information Family issues, reproduction issues, sexual lifestyle issues, etc.

3 The Right to Privacy The right to be left alone The right to control personal information Common element: respect for autonomy Family issues, reproduction issues, sexual lifestyle issues, etc. Personal Lifestyle Personal Information

4 Violation of Privacy Rights Privacy in the Workplace Privacy and vulnerability Privacy and legitimate business interests The burden of proof Infringing on irrelevant personal decisions Collecting irrelevant personal information

5 Lie detector tests Personality tests Employee monitoring Drug testing Etc., etc. Burden of proof (once again) Privacy in the Workplace Informed Voluntary Consent Rationality Autonomy A third form of privacy rights violation

6 Workplace Safety Risk Awareness Risk Management Risk Analysis/ Acceptable Risk Unacceptable Needed

7 OSHA (1970) Technological feasibility Cost/benefit strategy Cost effective strategy Can we afford it? Is it worth it? Economic feasibility

8 New Prima Facie Duties Employee Privacy Rights. Maintain an ethical corporate culture that guarantees the protection of employees' private information and private lives, insofar as such private issues are irrelevant to the proper functioning of the business. Protection of Employee Vulnerability. Refrain from abusing the power that the structure of business places in the hands of employers over employees. Workplace Safety. Keep all workplace hazards within acceptable risk standards. Due Process. Conduct all hiring, evaluation, promotion, and dismissal actions within expressed due process standards.

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