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Jump to first page Physical Education at Wildern School At Wildern we want you to make the most of the sporting opportunities we have on offer. This is.

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Presentation on theme: "Jump to first page Physical Education at Wildern School At Wildern we want you to make the most of the sporting opportunities we have on offer. This is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jump to first page Physical Education at Wildern School At Wildern we want you to make the most of the sporting opportunities we have on offer. This is either in PE lessons or extra curriculum activities or if you like to play sport for fun or competition. However standards must be met by pupils in order for all to benefit.

2 Jump to first page Wildern Performance Studies Minimum Standards During all your PE/Dance lessons there are minimum standards that each pupil must adhere to. This covers such things as; - Correct Kit - Changing / Changing rooms - Movement between sports/dance areas - Equipment - What to do if you are ill or injured

3 Jump to first page Correct Kit n Pupils must be ready for lessons wearing the correct kit for the appropriate sporting activity. n PE/ Dance kit is essential for safe performance in lessons. In your school planners it states the kit you need for different activities. n You will need PE/Dance kit for indoor lessons, outdoor lessons and swimming activities. n All kit needs to be named!!!!!!!!!

4 Jump to first page Indoor / Summer PE Kit/ Dance Kit n Sports TrainersDance Kit n Red SocksBare feet n Green ShortsGreen shorts –White Wildern polo top n School shoes can not be worn in any of the indoor PE areas. n When doing gymnastics/dance you will be bare foot, however you will need to take your shoes in with you.

5 Jump to first page Outdoor PE Kit n Sports Trainers n Football boots (activity depending) n Red Socks n Green Shorts n Red Wildern rugby top n Sometimes it can become very cold so we advise that you wear your white polo top under your rugby top. n If your teacher feels that it is cold they may allow you to wear tracksuit bottoms, you still need to bring your green shorts.

6 Jump to first page Trainers n You will be participating in many different sporting activities for which you will need sports trainers which are designed for comfort and protection, NO PLIMSOLLS AT ALL!! X

7 Jump to first page Swimming Kit n MalesFemales n Black or dark blue Swimming - One piece swimsuit in black or shorts dark blue (No bikinis or tankinis) (no long shorts / board shorts) n A towel taken onto pool side- A towel taken onto pool side n We recommend you bring and wear goggles, you can also wear swimhats or nose plugs if you chose. n If you are ill or injured and can not take part in a swimming lesson, the correct kit to wear is your green shorts and white Wildern polo top. n If you have long hair you must bring in a hair tie/band for yours and others safety.

8 Jump to first page You are ready for lessons if: n Correct kit is worn for the activity n Hair is tied back n All jewellery is removed (Newly pierced earrings can be taped) n Trainers or boots are tied correctly, laces not just tucked inside the footwear. n If in dance/ gymnastics you have taken your shoes with you to the area. n Waiting calmly in the correct area for teacher instructions.

9 Jump to first page Changing n At the start of a lesson all pupils should be waiting in the correct area for the activity. Pupils are not allowed to enter a changing area without teacher permission. n You will have 5 minutes to change at the start and end of a lesson (10 minutes at the end of a swimming lesson) n Once changed your teacher will take you to the sporting area and give out any equipment n Changing rooms are busy places ensure you know where all your belongings are and stay in your own area. n There must be no food or drink consumed or opened in any of the schools changing rooms. Your teacher may allow you to bring water with you to the lessons.

10 Jump to first page Valuables n The changing rooms are very busy places where sometimes things sadly go missing. n Please do not bring valuables into the changing rooms, phones, iPod's etc. n They are your responsibility and teachers will not look after them for you.

11 Jump to first page Equipment and facilities n We can only participate in sporting activities if we have equipment and facilities to use. n Please treat equipment and facilities with care and respect. Some equipment can be very expensive to replace and repair. n Please make sure all equipment goes back correctly to the designated storage area.

12 Jump to first page Wet Weather The British weather is unpredictable to say the least! A large number of PE lessons are taught outside. Therefore there maybe times when you may get wet. n Suggestions…… - Bring in a towel - Bring in a carrier bag to store wet kit or muddy trainers/boots. - DO NOT ASSUME YOU WILL BE TAUGHT INSIDE!

13 Jump to first page Can’t take part in a lesson? n If you are ill or injured you may believe that you cannot take part in the PE/Dance lesson. n THIS IS INCORRCT n If you are ill or injured you must do 2 things F 1 - Have a note stating why from your parents or guardians. F 2 - Bring your PE kit to lesson as you normal would.

14 Jump to first page Injured Active Participant (IAP) n If unable to take part fully in a lesson you are not a “non doer”!!! There is no such thing in PE. n As well as physically participating in PE/Dance lessons other roles can be performed such as officiating, coaching/choreographing, scoring, recording, timing and assisting with equipment/dances. n You must always bring your kit except for if your teacher gives you permission not to.

15 Jump to first page Forgotten your Kit n It is your responsibility to bring the correct kit at all times. n If however you do forget part of your kit you may be lent some for that lesson, but a strike will be put against your name. n If you have lost part of your kit you must get a note from your parent or guardian and bring with you the closest replacement you have. For example lost green shorts bring black shorts.

16 Jump to first page NO KIT POLICY n 1 No Kit = Warning – note in planner – amber e-ref n 2 No Kits = Lunch detention with PE teacher - amber e-ref n 3 No kits = After school subject detention Red E-ref and phone call home n 4 No Kits –Red E-Ref – whole school Dt n More! = School detention …….. Letter sent home regarding concerns of lack of participation and organisation.

17 Jump to first page Talented in Sport/ Dance n We want to know about your successes in sport and dance. Please see Mr Pike (PE) if you play/compete in a sport at County and above standard. n Please see Miss Howlett if you dance at a high level/grade. n Let the PE Department know your success and your Head of Year!

18 Jump to first page PE Student of the Month

19 Jump to first page How You Can Succeed In P.E. BE SPORTING: n BEHAVE appropriately and cooperatively at all times n ENSURE you are on time to lessons n SAFE when participating and using equipment n PARTICIPATE fully to best of your ability n ORGANISED with the correct kit/books n RESPECT yourself n TREAT teachers and other students with RESPECT n INVOLVE yourself in as many extra- curriculum activities as possible n NOT to wear jewellery of any type or chew gum n GIVE homework/assignments in complete and on time

20 Jump to first page Will you be a winner?

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